
时间:2020-06-02 23:09:08

标签: testing webdriver automated-tests testcafe browser-automation


// a11y.js
const { axeCheck, createReport } = require('axe-testcafe');

const a11y = async t => {
  const { error, violations } = await axeCheck(t);
  await t.expect(violations.length === 0).ok(createReport(violations));

module.exports = {


// mytest.js
const myModule = require('a11y.js');

fixture `TestCafe tests with Axe`
    .page `http://example.com`;

test('Automated accessibility testing', async t => {
    await a11y();



Automated accessibility testing

   1) with cannot implicitly resolve the test run in context of which it should be executed. If you need to call with from the Node.js API
      callback, pass the test controller manually via with's `.with({ boundTestRun: t })` method first. Note that you cannot execute with outside
      the test code.

可以通过致电.with({ boundTestRun: t })解决此问题吗?如果是这样,我应该在哪里插入该代码?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您需要将TestController对象作为a11()函数的参数传递。 因此,您的代码将如下所示:

// a11y.js

const { axeCheck, createReport } = require('axe-testcafe');

const a11y = async t => {
    const { violations } = await axeCheck(t);

    await t.expect(violations.length === 0).ok(createReport(violations));

module.exports = a11y;

// test.js
const a11y = require('./a11y.js');

fixture `Fixture`

test('test', async t => {
    await a11y(t);