
时间:2020-06-02 02:58:06

标签: javascript bots discord discord.js

尝试删除对bot作出反应后bot答复的原始用户命令。由于某种原因,它每隔一段时间才会工作,当它工作时,它将中继DiscordAPIError: Unknown Message错误

const isValidCommand = (message, cmdName) => message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(PREFIX + cmdName)
client.on('message', function(message) {
  if (message.author.bot) return;
  if (isValidCommand(message, "banker"))
    message.reply("Bankers are on the way to get your cash. Please be patient as Bankers are busy individuals as well. If there is a major delay you are welcome to use !HeadBanker.      Bankers Please React With Money Bag When Sent/Sending!").then(r_msg =>
  if (isValidCommand(message, "banker"))
    message.channel.send("<@&717082379470110885> Banker Cash Needed")
    .then(msg => {
        timeout: 0100
  if (isValidCommand(message, "headbanker"))
    message.reply("I see you have pinged Head Banker. If its between 14:00TCT and 5:00TCT you should get a response within a minute or two max. If no response in five minutes you have permission to ping again.").then(r_msg =>
  if (isValidCommand(message, "headbanker"))
    message.channel.send("<@&716843712092569640> Cash Needed")
    .then(msg => {
          timeout: 0100

  client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction, user) => {
    let limit = 2;
    if (reaction.emoji.name == '?' && reaction.count >= limit) reaction.message.delete()
    if (reaction.emoji.name == '?' && reaction.count >= limit) message.delete()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


const isValidCommand = (message, cmdName) => message.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(PREFIX + cmdName)

client.on('message', function(message) {
  if (message.author.bot) return;
  if (isValidCommand(message, "banker")) { // Use single if statements where possible
    message.reply("Bankers are on the way to get your cash. Please be patient as Bankers are busy individuals as well. If there is a major delay you are welcome to use !HeadBanker.      Bankers Please React With Money Bag When Sent/Sending!").then(r_msg =>
    message.channel.send("<@&717082379470110885> Banker Cash Needed")
      .then(msg => {
        msg.delete({ timeout: 0100 })
  if (isValidCommand(message, "headbanker")) {
    message.reply("I see you have pinged Head Banker. If its between 14:00TCT and 5:00TCT you should get a response within a minute or two max. If no response in five minutes you have permission to ping again.").then(r_msg =>
    message.channel.send("<@&716843712092569640> Cash Needed")
      .then(msg => {
        msg.delete({ timeout: 0100 })

  message.awaitReactions(r => r.emoji.name == '?', { max: 2 }).then(collected => {
    if (collected.size >= 2)
