
时间:2011-06-02 12:18:19

标签: c# string binary

这是合约。我找到了一个源代码并稍微改了一下,所以我可以从com6上的接收器中检索数据。我收到的数据是二进制的。我想要的是将它转换为字符串,以便我可以切割部分字符串并单独解码它们。我怎样才能做到这一点? 源代码在下面。

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Threading;

public class PortChat
    static bool _continue;
    static SerialPort _serialPort;

    public static void Main()
        string name;
        string message;
        StringComparer stringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
        Thread readThread = new Thread(Read);

        // Create a new SerialPort object with default settings.
        _serialPort = new SerialPort();

        // Allow the user to set the appropriate properties.
        _serialPort.PortName = SetPortName(_serialPort.PortName);
        _serialPort.BaudRate = SetPortBaudRate(_serialPort.BaudRate);
        _serialPort.Parity = SetPortParity(_serialPort.Parity);
        _serialPort.DataBits = SetPortDataBits(_serialPort.DataBits);
        _serialPort.StopBits = SetPortStopBits(_serialPort.StopBits);
        _serialPort.Handshake = SetPortHandshake(_serialPort.Handshake);

        // Set the read/write timeouts
        _serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;
        _serialPort.WriteTimeout = 1000;

        _continue = true;

        Console.Write("Name: ");
        name = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.WriteLine("Type QUIT to exit");

        while (_continue)
            message = Console.ReadLine();

            if (stringComparer.Equals("quit", message))
                _continue = false;
                    String.Format("<{0}>: {1}", name, message));


    public static void Read()
        while (_continue)


                string message = _serialPort.ReadLine();
            catch (TimeoutException) { }

    public static string SetPortName(string defaultPortName)
        string portName;

            portName = "COM6";

        return portName;

    public static int SetPortBaudRate(int defaultPortBaudRate)
        string baudRate;

        baudRate = "9600";

        return int.Parse(baudRate);

    public static Parity SetPortParity(Parity defaultPortParity)
        string parity;

        parity = "None";

        return (Parity)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), parity);

    public static int SetPortDataBits(int defaultPortDataBits)
        string dataBits;

        dataBits = "8";

        return int.Parse(dataBits);

    public static StopBits SetPortStopBits(StopBits defaultPortStopBits)
        string stopBits;

        stopBits = "One";

        return (StopBits)Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), stopBits);

    public static Handshake SetPortHandshake(Handshake defaultPortHandshake)
        string handshake;

        handshake = "None";

        return (Handshake)Enum.Parse(typeof(Handshake), handshake);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


byte[] binaryData ; // assuming binaryData contains the bytes from the port.

string ascii =  Encoding.ASCII.GetString(binaryData);