如何从php服务器端向Visual Basic客户端(如android)发送通知

时间:2020-05-30 15:41:40

标签: php android vb.net firebase-cloud-messaging

是否可以从php服务器端向Visual Basic发送通知,还是我必须每隔x分钟将服务器端数据库与本地数据库同步一次,以检查是否有任何更改?

include 'send_notification.php';
if (!$conn) {
    $response["response"] = false;
    $response["log"] = mysqli_error($conn);
    $response["exception"] = 1;
    echo json_encode($response);
} else {
    $pricing = json_decode($_POST['pricing'], true);
    $user = json_decode($_POST['user'], true);

    // Here update database....

    $company_token = getCompanyToken($user["id"]); // Find company token from MySql database to send FCM to Android Client

    sendNotification($company_token); // Send Notification To Android...It works fine..

    // Same notification to Visual Basic Windows Client...
    // Help!! Synchronize local database with the server or is there any other way?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

从Firebase Cloud Messaging接收接收消息的唯一官方SDK仅适用于Android,iOS和Web客户端。除非您以这些平台为目标,否则在VB.Net上没有用于接收消息的SDK。
