
时间:2020-05-29 04:14:11

标签: javascript arrays copy arrayobject nested-object



 people = [ 
         name: "Person 1",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" },
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "fish" }
         name: "Person 2",
         animals: [
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "iguana" }
         name: "Person 3",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" }


 // declare new array to hold category of animals
 let animalCategory = []


// loop all person available
people.forEach(person => {
    // go and loop inside animals array
    person.animals.forEach(animal => {
        // save new category of animals if animalCategory array is EMPTY
        if(animalCategory.length === 0) {

        // if NOT EMPTY, then
        else {
            // loop and check existing animal categories in animalCategory array
            animalCategory.forEach(category => {
                // check if MATCH?
                if(category === animal.category) {
                    break // or just continue or will NOT BE SAVE

                // if NOT MATCH, then
                else {
                    // SAVE new category

// see result

但是不幸的是,结果是我得到了一大堆animalCategory。还有很多重复动物类别。 (如下所示)

enter image description here


animalCategory: [ 'cat', 'dog', 'iguana', 'fish']


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


people = [ 
         name: "Person 1",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" },
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "fish" }
         name: "Person 2",
         animals: [
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "iguana" }
         name: "Person 3",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" }
 const uniqAnimals = [...new Set(people.flatMap(p => p.animals).map(a => a.category))];

答案 1 :(得分:1)

people = [ 
         name: "Person 1",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" },
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "fish" }
         name: "Person 2",
         animals: [
             { category: "dog" },
             { category: "iguana" }
         name: "Person 3",
         animals: [
             { category: "cat" }

// declare new array to hold category of animals
 let animalCategory = []

// loop all person available
people.forEach(person => {
    // go and loop inside animals array
    person.animals.forEach(animal => {
        // save new category of animals if animalCategory array is EMPTY
        if(animalCategory.length === 0) {

        // if NOT EMPTY, then
        else {
            if(animalCategory.indexOf(animal.category) === -1) {

// see result
animalCategory.forEach(function(animal) {


答案 2 :(得分:0)




let animalCategory = new Set()
people.forEach(person => {
    // go and loop inside animals array
    person.animals.forEach(animal => {
animalCategory = Array.from(animalCategory)

答案 3 :(得分:0)


AggregationCursor {

 _readableState: ReadableState {
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    [Symbol(kPaused)]: null
  readable: true,
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  operation: AggregateOperation {
    options: { readPreference: [ReadPreference] },
    ns: MongoDBNamespace { db: 'alumni-portal', collection: '$cmd' },
    readPreference: ReadPreference { mode: 'primary', tags: undefined },
    readConcern: undefined,
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      raw: undefined
  pool: null,
  server: null,
  disconnectHandler: undefined,
  bson: BSON {},
  ns: 'alumni-portal.$cmd',
  namespace: MongoDBNamespace { db: 'alumni-portal', collection: '$cmd' },
  cmd: {},
  options: {
    readPreference: ReadPreference { mode: 'primary', tags: undefined }
  topology: NativeTopology {
    _events: [Object: null prototype] {
      authenticated: [Function],
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      commandFailed: [Function],
      serverOpening: [Function],
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      serverHeartbeatStarted: [Function],
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      heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000,
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      Cursor: [Function: Cursor],
      bson: BSON {},
      servers: [Map],
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      credentials: [MongoCredentials],
      clusterTime: [Object],
      connectionTimers: Set {},
      sCapabilities: [ServerCapabilities]
    [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
    [Symbol(waitQueue)]: Denque { _head: 3, _tail: 3, _capacityMask: 3, _list: [Array] }
  cursorState: {
    cursorId: null,
    cmd: {},
    documents: [],
    cursorIndex: 0,
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    killed: false,
    init: false,
    notified: false,
    limit: 0,
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    batchSize: 1000,
    currentLimit: 0,
    transforms: undefined,
    raw: undefined
  logger: Logger { className: 'Cursor' },
  s: {
    numberOfRetries: 5,
    tailableRetryInterval: 500,
    currentNumberOfRetries: 5,
    state: 0,
    promiseLibrary: [Function: Promise],
    explicitlyIgnoreSession: false
  [Symbol(kCapture)]: false

答案 4 :(得分:0)


var people = [{
    name: "Person 1",
    animals: [{
        category: "cat"
        category: "dog"
        category: "fish"
    name: "Person 2",
    animals: [{
        category: "dog"
        category: "iguana"
    name: "Person 3",
    animals: [{
      category: "cat"
var getArr = [];
var animalsArr = people.map(x => x.animals.map(y => {

var filteredArr = getArr.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index);