我有一个相当大的index.js,因此iv忙于将其剥离到单个命令文件中,我已成功将我的所有代码导出到单独的命令中,除禁止外。到目前为止,禁令代码已按预期工作,但是如果输入了18位用户ID,并且他们离开了服务器,则应检查并将其记录在.json文件中,但目前它没有超过if (isNaN(args[1]))
run: async (bot, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission(["BAN_MEMBERS", "ADMINISTRATOR"])) return message.channel.send("You do not have permission to perform this command!")
const user1 = message.mentions.users.first();
var member = message.mentions.members.first()
if (member) {
const member = message.mentions.members.first()
let reason = args.slice(2).join(' '); // arguments should already be defined
var user = message.mentions.users.first();
member.ban({ reason: `${args.slice(2).join(' ')}` }).then(() => {
let uEmbed = new RichEmbed()
.setTitle('**' + `Sucessfully Banned ${user1.tag}!` + '**')
.setFooter('Requested by ' + message.author.tag, 'https://i.gyazo.com/8988806671312f358509cf0fd69341006.jpg')
}).catch(err => {
message.channel.send('I was unable to kick the member');
} else {
let user = message.mentions.users.first(),
userID = user ? user.id : args[1]
if (isNaN(args[1])) return message.channel.send("You need to enter a vlaid @Member or UserID #");
if (args[1].length <= 17 || args[1].length >= 19) return message.channel.send("UserID # must be 18 Digits");
if (userID) {
let bannedIDs = require('./bannedIDs.json').ids || []
if (!bannedIDs.includes(userID)) bannedIDs.push(userID)
fs.writeFileSync('./bannedIDs.json', JSON.stringify({ ids: bannedIDs }))
let reason = args.slice(2).join(' ');
let uEmbed = new RichEmbed()
.setTitle('**' + `UserID #${args[1]}\n Will be Banned on Return!` + '**')
.setFooter('Requested by ' + message.author.tag, 'https://i.gyazo.com/8988806671312f358509cf0fd69341006.jpg')
} else {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
首先,if (args[1].length <= 17 || args[1].length >= 19
可以简化为if(args[1].length !== 18)