这段代码在哪里出问题? Discord JS音乐机器人

时间:2020-05-23 17:08:26

标签: javascript node.js discord discord.js

我尝试制作一个音乐不一致机器人。当我写!play xy时,我听到这首歌并收到一条错误消息“未定义矩”,或者什么都没听到,这是一个很长的代码,最后它说:

abort(TypeError [INVALID_TYPE]: Supplied options is not an object. ) Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info. (Use 'node --trace-uncaught . . . ' to show where the exception was thrown)


const ytdl = require('ytdl-core');
const YouTube = require('simple-youtube-api');
const fetch = require('snekfetch');
const youtube = new YouTube(process.env.API_KEY = "the key");
const Util = require("discord.js");
`enter code here`const queue = new Map();

bot.on('message', async msg => { // eslint-disable-line
  let message = msg;
  if (message.author.bot) return;
  if (message.channel.type === "dm") return;
  let prefix = "!"
  if (!msg.content.startsWith(prefix)) return undefined;

  const args = msg.content.split(' ');
  const searchString = args.slice(1).join(' ');
  const url = args[1] ? args[1].replace(/<(.+)>/g, '$1') : '';
  const serverQueue = queue.get(msg.guild.id);

  let command = msg.content.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0];
  command = command.slice(prefix.length)

  if (command === 'play') {
    if (!args[1]) {
      return msg.channel.send(":x: What should I play m8?")
    const voiceChannel = msg.member.voice.channel;
    if (!voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: Join a voice channel to play music!');
    const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(msg.client.user);
    if (!permissions.has('CONNECT')) {
      return msg.channel.send(':x: I dont have connect permission.');
    if (!permissions.has('SPEAK')) {
      return msg.channel.send(':x: I dont have speak permission.');

    if (url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com)\/playlist(.*)$/)) {
      const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(url);
      const videos = await playlist.getVideos();
      for (const video of Object.values(videos)) {
        const video2 = await youtube.getVideoByID(video.id); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop
        await handleVideo(video2, msg, voiceChannel, true); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop

      msg.channel.send("? Searching `" + searchString + "`").then(msg => {
      let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("Music", client.user.displayAvatarURL)
        .addField("Playlist Queued", `**[${playlist.title}](${playlist.url})**`)
        .setFooter(msg.author.tag, msg.author.displayAvatarURL)
      return msg.channel.send(embed);
    } else {
      try {
        var video = await youtube.getVideo(url);
      } catch (error) {
        try {
          msg.channel.send("? Searching `" + searchString + "`").then(msg => {
          var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString);
          let index = 0;

          const videoIndex = 1;
          var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[videoIndex - 1].id);
        } catch (err) {
          return msg.channel.send(':x: No result found.');
      return handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel);
  } else if (command === 'youtube') {
    if (!args[0]) return msg.channel.send(":x: Please provide search query m8.")
    const voiceChannel = msg.member.voiceChannel;
    if (!voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: Join a voice channel to play music!');
    const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(msg.client.user);
    if (!permissions.has('CONNECT')) {
      return msg.channel.send(':x: I dont have connect permission.');
    if (!permissions.has('SPEAK')) {
      return msg.channel.send(':x: I dont have speak permission.');

    if (url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com)\/playlist(.*)$/)) {
      const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(url);
      const videos = await playlist.getVideos();
      for (const video of Object.values(videos)) {
        const video2 = await youtube.getVideoByID(video.id); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop
        await handleVideo(video2, msg, voiceChannel, true); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop
      msg.channel.send("? Searching `" + searchString + "`").then(msg => {
      let embed1 = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("Music", client.user.displayAvatarURL)
        .addField("Playlist Queued", `[${playlist.title}](${playlist.url})`)
        .setFooter(msg.author.tag, msg.author.displayAvatarURL)
      return msg.channel.send(embed1);
    } else {
      try {
        var video = await youtube.getVideo(url);
      } catch (error) {
        try {
          var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString, 5);
          let index = 0;
          msg.channel.send("? Searching `" + searchString + "`").then(msg => {
          let sEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
            .setAuthor("YouTube Search", msg.author.avatarURL)
            .setDescription(`${videos.map(video2 => `**${++index}. [${video2.title}](${video2.url})**`).join('\n')}`)
            .setFooter(`Provide a number of a song.`, client.user.avatarURL)
          msg.channel.send(sEmbed).then(msg => {
          // eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
          try {
            var response = await msg.channel.awaitMessages(msg2 => msg2.content > 0 && msg2.content < 11, {
              maxMatches: 1,
              time: 10000,
              errors: ['time']
          } catch (err) {
            return msg.channel.send(':x: Invalid Value/Time\'s up, Cancelling video selection.');
          const videoIndex = parseInt(response.first().content);
          var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[videoIndex - 1].id);
        } catch (err) {
          return msg.channel.send(':x: No result found.');
      return handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel);
  } else if (command === 'skip') {
    if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!');
    if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is no song to skip.');
    serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end(':white_check_mark: Song Skipped!');
    msg.channel.send(":white_check_mark: Song Skipped!")
    return undefined;
  } else if (command === 'stop') {
    if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!');
    if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: No song currently playing.');
    serverQueue.songs = [];
    msg.channel.send(":white_check_mark: Disconnected!")
    return undefined;
  } else if (command === 'join') {
    if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!');
    msg.channel.send(":white_check_mark: Connected!")
    return undefined;
  } else if (command === 'vol') {
    if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!');
    if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.');
    if (!args[1]) {
      let vEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("Current Volume", msg.guild.iconURL)
        .setDescription(`**${(serverQueue.volume * 20)}/100**`)
        .setFooter(client.user.tag, client.user.displayAvatarURL)
      return msg.channel.send(vEmbed)
    if (!isNaN(args[0])) {
      serverQueue.volume = args[1] / 20;
      serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(args[1] / 100);
      let Embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("Music Volume", msg.guild.iconURL)
        .setDescription(`Volume Changed To **${args[1]}/100**.`)
        .setFooter(client.user.tag, client.user.displayAvatarURL)
      return msg.channel.send(Embed);
    } return msg.channel.send(":x: Provide a valid number between 1-100.");
  } else if (command === 'np') {
    if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.');
    const nsong = {
      id: serverQueue.songs[0].id,
      title: Util.escapeMarkdown(serverQueue.songs[0].title),
      url: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${serverQueue.songs[0].id}`,
      channel: serverQueue.songs[0].channel.id,
      ct: serverQueue.songs[0].channel.title,
      tp: serverQueue.songs[0].publishedAt,
      duration: serverQueue.songs[0].duration,
      thumbnail: `https://i.ytimg.com/vi/${serverQueue.songs[0].id}/maxresdefault.jpg`
    let hours = `${moment(nsong.duration.hours).format("HH")}`
    let minutes = `${moment(nsong.duration.minutes).format("mm")}`
    let seconds = `${moment(nsong.duration.seconds).format("ss")}`
    let Embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
      .setAuthor("Current Song", msg.guild.iconURL)
      .addField("Channel", `**[${serverQueue.songs[0].ct}](https://youtube.com/channel/${serverQueue.songs[0].channel})**`, true)
      .addField("Duration", `\`${nsong.duration.hours}:${nsong.duration.minutes}:${nsong.duration.seconds}\``, true)
      .addField("Published At", `${moment(serverQueue.songs[0].tp).format("dddd, MMMM do YYYY")}`, true)
      //          .addField("Next Song:", `**[${serverQueue.songs[1].title}](${serverQueue.songs[1].url})**`, true)
      .setDescription(`? **[${serverQueue.songs[0].title}](${serverQueue.songs[0].url})**`)
      .setFooter(client.user.tag, client.user.avatarURL)
    return msg.channel.send(Embed);
  } else if (command === 'queue') {
    let index = "0"
    if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.');
    else {
      let Embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("MUSIC QUEUE", msg.author.avatarURL)
        //  .setThumbnail(serverQueue.songs[0].get().Thumbnail)
        .addField("Current Song:", `**- [${serverQueue.songs[0].title}](${serverQueue.songs[0].url})**`)
        .addField("Next Song:", `**- [${serverQueue.songs[1].title}](${serverQueue.songs[1].url})**`)
        .setDescription("**Queue:**\n" + serverQueue.songs.map(song => `**${++index})** **[${song.title}](${song.url})**`).join('\n'))
        .setFooter(`${client.user.username}`, client.user.avatarURL)

  } else if (command === 'pause') {
    if (serverQueue && serverQueue.playing) {
      serverQueue.playing = false;
      return msg.channel.send('⏸ Audio Paused!');
    return msg.channel.send(':x: I am not playing anything?');
  } else if (command === 'resume') {
    if (serverQueue && !serverQueue.playing) {
      serverQueue.playing = true;
      return msg.channel.send('▶ Audio Resumed!');
    return msg.channel.send(':x: Please pause a song to resume.');

  return undefined;

async function handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel, playlist = false) {
  const serverQueue = queue.get(msg.guild.id);
  const song = {
    id: video.id,
    title: Util.escapeMarkdown(video.title),
    url: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${video.id}`,
    channel: video.channel.id,
    ct: video.channel.title,
    tp: video.publishedAt,
    duration: video.duration,
    thumbnail: `https://i.ytimg.com/vi/${video.id}/maxresdefault.jpg`
  if (!serverQueue) {
    const queueConstruct = {
      textChannel: msg.channel,
      voiceChannel: voiceChannel,
      connection: null,
      songs: [],
      volume: 3,
      playing: true
    queue.set(msg.guild.id, queueConstruct);


    try {
      var connection = await voiceChannel.join();
      queueConstruct.connection = connection;
      play(msg.guild, queueConstruct.songs[0]);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`I could not join the voice channel: ${error}`);
      return msg.channel.send(`:x: I got some problem.: **${error}**.`);
  } else {
    if (playlist) return undefined;
    else {
      let hours = `${moment(song.duration.hours).format("HH")}`
      let minutes = `${moment(song.duration.minutes).format("mm")}`
      let seconds = `${moment(song.duration.seconds).format("ss")}`

      let embed1 = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setAuthor("Music", client.user.displayAvatarURL)
        .addField("Music Queued", `**[${song.title}](${song.url})**`, true)
        .addField("Uploaded by", `**[${song.ct}](https://youtube.com/channel/${song.channel})**`, true)
        .addField("Duration", `\`${song.duration.hours}:${song.duration.minutes}:${song.duration.seconds}\``, true)
        .addField("Published At", `${moment(song.tp).format("dddd, MMMM do YYYY")}`, true)
        .setFooter(msg.author.tag, msg.author.displayAvatarURL)
      return msg.channel.send(embed1);

  return undefined;

function play(guild, song) {
  const serverQueue = queue.get(guild.id);

  if (!song) {

  const dispatcher = serverQueue.connection.play(ytdl(song.url))
    .on('end', reason => {
      if (reason === 'Stream is not generating quickly enough.') {

        console.log('Song ended.')
        // serverQueue.textChannel.channel.send('Song Ended!');

      } else console.log(reason);
      play(guild, serverQueue.songs[0]);
    .on('error', error => console.error(error));
  dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(serverQueue.volume / 3);
  let hours = `${moment(song.duration.hours).format("HH")}`
  let minutes = `${moment(song.duration.minutes).format("mm")}`
  let seconds = `${moment(song.duration.seconds).format("ss")}`
  let embed1 = new Discord.RichEmbed()
    .setAuthor("Music", serverQueue.iconURL)
    .addField("Started Playing", `? **[${song.title}](${song.url})**`, true)
    .addField("Uploaded By", `**[${song.ct}](https://youtube.com/channel/${song.channel})**`, true)
    .addField("Duration", `\`${song.duration.hours}:${song.duration.minutes}:${song.duration.seconds}\``, true)
    .addField("Published At", `${moment(song.tp).format("dddd, MMMM do YYYY")}`, true)
    .setFooter(client.user.tag, client.user.displayAvatarURL)
  return serverQueue.textChannel.send(embed1);

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