使用ReduxContext,正在尝试在组件中实现局部上下文,并传入一些全局数据。 但是遇到了2个路障。
<TelemetryContext.Provider value={ user: 100, screenId: "0", setScreenId: (id) => void }
const myContext = UseContext(TelemetryContext);
useEffect(() => {
Telemetry.Log(someState); //Expected to log { screenId : 1, userId: 100, someState }
}, [someState]);
return (<div> <Child1 /> <button onClick={this.changeSomeSate()} </div> );
const myContext = UseContext(TelemetryContext);
useEffect(() => {
Telemetry.Log(childState); //Expected to log { screenId : 2, userId: 100, childState }
}, [childState]);
return (<div> <button onClick={this.changeChildSate()} </div> );
//Already existing class utility where am trying to add screenId logs
public class Telemetry {
public Log(data: IDataFormat) {
const context: TelemetryContext = getContext('TelemetryContext'). //This doesn't compile
*How to get context in the above line.
*Tried [Redux.saga.effects][1]. getContext but it works only in sagas.
const { userId, screenId } = context;
this.telemetyApi.post({ ...data, screenId, userId });