即使设置了环境变量,Twilio CLI也不会登录

时间:2020-05-19 06:24:44

标签: twilio

在终端的Mac OS上,当我输入twilio登录时,我得到:

 » Installing keytar ...
 » Secure credential storage failed to load.

Alternatively, twilio-cli can use credentials stored in environment variables:

# OPTION 1 (recommended)
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = your Account SID from twil.io/console
TWILIO_API_KEY = an API Key created at twil.io/get-api-key
TWILIO_API_SECRET = the secret for the API Key

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = your Account SID from twil.io/console
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = your Auth Token from twil.io/console

Once these environment variables are set, a twilio-cli profile is not required to move forward with installation.


export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID="abcd"
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN="efgh"

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