
时间:2020-05-18 14:58:18

标签: python if-statement switch-statement robotframework

我实际上在机器人框架中使用了很多if语句,这些语句很容易成为switch语句。 我在Robot Framework中找不到switch语句的任何示例(它甚至存在吗?)。 这是我的代码的一部分:(我的代码中有50种以上的if语句,它非常大,日志太大,无法找到信息(所有if都写在日志文件中,即使那些假)。 谢谢您的帮助

# 1st posibility
\    ${varA}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If    '${Type}' == 'Deal'    keyword1    ${Name}
# 2d posibility
\    ${varB}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If    '${Type}' == 'Scenario' and '${varA}' != 'None'     keyword2    ${Name}
# 3rd posibility
\    ${varC}    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If    '${Type}' == 'Site' and '${varA}' != 'None'    keyword3   ${Name}
# 4th posibility
\    Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If    '${Type}' == 'SiteFile' and '${varA}' != 'None'    keyword4  ${varA}

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


*** Settings ***
Library    Collections

*** Variables ***
&{TYPE_MAPPING}    deal=keyword1    scenario=keyword2    site=keyword3    sitefile=keyword4

*** Test Cases ***
    Take Action Based On Type    deal
    Take Action Based On Type    scenario
    Take Action Based On Type    site
    Take Action Based On Type    sitefile
    Take Action Based On Type    xyz

*** Keywords ***
Take Action Based On Type
    [Arguments]    ${type}
    ${kw_name}    Map Type To Keyword Name    ${type}
     Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    ${kw_name}

Map Type To Keyword Name
    [Arguments]    ${type}
    ${result}    ${value}    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Get From Dictionary    ${TYPE_MAPPING}    ${type.lower()}
    Run Keyword If    '${result}' == 'FAIL'    Fail    msg=Was not able to map type "${type}" to keyword name
    Return From Keyword    ${value}

    Log    Deal

    Log    Scenario

    Log    Site

    Log    SiteFile

和日志: screenshot of logs

答案 1 :(得分:0)



*** Settings ***
Library    myLib.py

*** Test Case ***
     Switch Keyword    ${Type}

def    Calculate_funct(var1):
                 BuiltIn().run_keyword('CalculateKeyword', '${el1}', '${el2}','${el3}')

def ValidateSite_funct(var1):
       if Id != "" :
             BuiltIn().run_keyword('ValidateKeyword', '${el1}', '${el2}')
             else : 
                    return "error"

def switch_keyword(keyword, **kwargs):
       """select the correct function to apply in function of the given keyword.\n
             keyword: keyword in the first column of the file.\n
             arguments: columns content.\n
             does the call to the correct api.\n
       | Switch Keyword | ${Type} |
       switcher = {
             "Calculate": Calculate_funct,
             "Validate" : Validate_funct,   
       func = switcher.get(keyword, lambda: "invalid keywork")
       returned_thing = func(**kwargs)
       return returned_thing