有人建议在classFactory()函数中使用class_ = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], class_name)
from sqlalchemy import Integer, Column, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
# For error handling
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import MultipleResultsFound
import sys
Base = declarative_base()
# Genus is currently the "parent" of everything. It is the "root".
class Genus(Base):
__tablename__ = 'genus'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
scientific_name = Column(String)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Genus(common_name='%s')>" % (self.scientific_name)
# Species is a child of Genus
class Species(Base):
__tablename__ = 'species'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
common_name = Column(String)
scientific_name = Column(String)
# We define the relationship between Genus and Species here.
genus = relation("Genus", backref="species")
genus_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('genus.id'), nullable=False)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Species(common_name='%s')>" % (self.scientific_name)
class Specimen(Base):
__tablename__ = 'specimen'
name = Column(String, primary_key=True)
birth_date_time = Column(Integer)
# We define the relationship between Species and Specimen here.
species = relation("Species", backref="specimen")
species_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('species.id'))
def __repr__(self):
return "<Specimen(common_name='%s')>" % (self.name)
This factory function will return any type of Class. We tell it what type of class we want with class_ name and give it some input data.
We use this "factory function" because we will need a LOT less code in our addSpecies() and addSpecimen() functions.
This function expects the following inputs:
session: The sqlalchemy database session.
data: A dict containing data we want to retreive or put in to the database
class_name: Which class do we want to instanciate? Genus, Species or Specimen?
Search key: When we try and get a record from the database, which key/column are we searching?
The output is a class instance. A record fetched from the database with session.query or one just added to the database with session.add.
def classFactory(session, input_data, class_name, search_key):
# Create a temporary referance to our class. "Dynamic Instanciation" Class could now be Genus, Species or Specimen
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4821104/dynamic-instantiation-from-string-name-of-a-class-in-dynamically-imported-module
class_ = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], class_name)
# We see if there is already a record in the database.
# We use getattr because we are parameterising the instance variables.
# class_instance = session.query(Genus).filter(Genus.scientific_name == species_input["genus"]).one()
class_instance = session.query(class_).filter(getattr(class_, search_key) == input_data[search_key]).one()
print("Result Found")
return class_instance
except NoResultFound: # Will Run if no record found in the database.
print("No Result Found")
class_instance = class_() # Create a class instance
# Iterate over our input_data adding the data to the class instance.
# It is important that the keys in the dict match the class attributes.
for key, value in input_data.items():
setattr(class_instance, key, value) # set the class attribute.
return class_instance
def addSpecies(session, species_input):
# Species_input should be a dict like:
# {"common_name": "Domestic Cat", "scientific_name": "Felis catus", "genus": "Felis"}
species_input["genus"] = classFactory(session, species_input["genus"], "Genus", "scientific_name")
# species_input["genus"] has now been converted into a Genus class instance.
species = classFactory(session, species_input, "Species", "scientific_name")
def addSpecimen(session, specimen_input):
# specimen_input should be a dict like:
# {"name": "bongo", "species": {"scientific_name": "Felis nigripes"}, "birth_date_time": "1262304000"}
specimen_input["species"] = classFactory(session, specimen_input["species"], "Species", "scientific_name")
# specimen_input["species"] has been converted to a Species class instance.
specimen = classFactory(session, specimen_input, "Specimen", "name")
def addSpecimen(session, specimen_input):
try: # Lets check if we can retreive the species matching the specimen record.
species = session.query(Species).filter(Species.scientific_name == specimen_input["scientific_species"]).one()
try: # We see if there is already a record in the database.
specimen = session.query(Specimen).filter(Specimen.name == specimen_input["name"]).one()
print("Record for Specimen Found: " + specimen.name)
except NoResultFound: # Run if no record found in the database.
print("Specimen not found in Database: Trying to insert record")
specimen = Specimen()
specimen.name = specimen_input["name"]
specimen.birth_date_time = specimen_input["birth_date_time"]
specimen.species = species
except NoResultFound: # We didn't find a matching species. Freak out.
print("Fatal Error: Species not found in Database")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
import os
# Delete the database that might already exist.
# Define a list of dicts of our species.
species_list = [
{"common_name": "Domestic Cat", "scientific_name": "Felis catus", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Felis"} },
{"common_name": "Black Footed cat", "scientific_name": "Felis nigripes", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Felis"}},
{"common_name": "Jungle cat", "scientific_name": "Felis chaus", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Felis"}},
{"common_name": "Domestic Dog", "scientific_name": "Canis familiaris", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Canis"}},
{"common_name": "Elk", "scientific_name": "Cervus canadensis", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Cervus"}},
{"common_name": "Giant amoeba", "scientific_name": "Chaos carolinense", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Chaos"}},
{"common_name": "Common Bottlenose Dolphin", "scientific_name": "Tursiops truncatus", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Tursiops"}},
{"common_name": "Sea otter", "scientific_name": "Enhydra lutris", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Enhydra"}},
{"common_name": "Wolf", "scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "genus": {"scientific_name": "Canis"}}
# Define a list of dicts of our specimens.
specimen_list = [
{"name": "bongo", "species": {"scientific_name": "Felis nigripes"}, "birth_date_time": "1262304000"},
{"name": "coco", "species": {"scientific_name": "Cervus canadensis"}, "birth_date_time": "1293840000"},
{"name": "lola", "species": {"scientific_name": "Tursiops truncatus"}, "birth_date_time": "1325376000"},
{"name": "shadow", "species": {"scientific_name": "Tursiops truncatus"}, "birth_date_time": "1356998400"},
{"name": "stella", "species": {"scientific_name": "Enhydra lutris"}, "birth_date_time": "1420070400"}
# A bunch of stuff to make the connection to the database work.
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///foos.db', echo=False)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
# Iterate over our list of dicts.
for species in species_list:
addSpecies(session, species)
for specimen in specimen_list:
addSpecimen(session, specimen)