
时间:2011-05-30 19:22:41

标签: c# sql linq-to-sql query-optimization




5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


int[] intArray = ...;
var matches = from item in context.SomeTable 
              where intArray.Contains( 
              select item;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  • 将XML块发送到存储过程(复杂但可行)
  • 创建一个临时表,批量上传数据,然后加入它(可能导致并发问题)
  • 执行多个查询(即将您的ID组分成大约一千个左右的块并使用BrokenGlass的解决方案)

我不确定你可以用Compact Edition做什么。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


var items = from row in table
            join intRow in intTable on row.TheIntColumn equals intRow.IntColumn
            select row;

编辑1& 2:更改了答案,因此他加入了2个表,没有集合。

答案 3 :(得分:0)


您将遇到的复杂性是编写一个可以从输入参数执行IN子句的select语句。您需要的是使用表值函数将字符串(Id的)转换为列并在IN子句中使用该列。 像:

Select *
From SomeTable So
Where So.ID In (Select Column1 From dbo.StringToTable(InputIds))

答案 4 :(得分:0)

在厌倦了编写手动批处理代码后,我想出了这个linq解决方案。 它并不完美(即批次并不完美),但它解决了这个问题。 当你不被允许编写存储过程或sql函数时非常有用。适用于几乎所有linq表达式。


    public static IQueryable<TResultElement> RunQueryWithBatching<TBatchElement, TResultElement>(this IList<TBatchElement> listToBatch, int batchSize, Func<List<TBatchElement>, IQueryable<TResultElement>> initialQuery)
        return RunQueryWithBatching(listToBatch, initialQuery, batchSize);

    public static IQueryable<TResultElement> RunQueryWithBatching<TBatchElement, TResultElement>(this IList<TBatchElement> listToBatch, Func<List<TBatchElement>, IQueryable<TResultElement>> initialQuery)
        return RunQueryWithBatching(listToBatch, initialQuery, 0);

    public static IQueryable<TResultElement> RunQueryWithBatching<TBatchElement, TResultElement>(this IList<TBatchElement> listToBatch, Func<List<TBatchElement>, IQueryable<TResultElement>> initialQuery, int batchSize)
        if (listToBatch == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("listToBatch");

        if (initialQuery == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("initialQuery");

        if (batchSize <= 0)
            batchSize = 1000;

        int batchCount = (listToBatch.Count / batchSize) + 1;

        var batchGroup = listToBatch.AsQueryable().Select((elem, index) => new { GroupKey = index % batchCount, BatchElement = elem }); // Enumerable.Range(0, listToBatch.Count).Zip(listToBatch, (first, second) => new { GroupKey = first, BatchElement = second });

        var keysBatchGroup = from obj in batchGroup
                                     group obj by obj.GroupKey into grouped
                                     select grouped;

        var groupedBatches = keysBatchGroup.Select(key => key.Select((group) => group.BatchElement));

        var map = from employeekeysBatchGroup in groupedBatches
                  let batchResult = initialQuery(employeekeysBatchGroup.ToList()).ToList() // force to memory because of stupid translation error in linq2sql
                  from br in batchResult
                  select br;

        return map;


using (var context = new SourceDataContext())
    // some code
    var myBatchResult = intArray.RunQueryWithBatching(batch => from v1 in context.Table where batch.Contains(v1.IntProperty) select v1, 2000);
    // some other code that makes use of myBatchResult
