我有一个带有对象的localStorage数组。然后我将该数组add()添加到firestore。结果,我有一个像这样的文档firestore document 我在这里有2张地图。所以我怎么能显示它。当我使用此代码时,我只能显示时间戳
this.sells = this.sellsCollection.snapshotChanges().pipe(
changes => {
return changes.map(a => {
const data = a.payload.doc.data() as Sell
const id = a.payload.doc.id;
return data
使用|我可以查看所有数据。 json管道。但无法看到具有插值的地图数据
UPD: console log of data
答案 0 :(得分:1)
changes => {
return changes.map(a => {
const temp = a.payload.doc.data() as Sell
// Each temp has the following shape (it looks like an array
// but it isn't really one. It's a more general object that
// is not an iterable out-of-the-box):
// {
// 1: {...},
// 2: {...},
// 3: {...},
// ...
// date: '...'
// }
// We want to convert this object, to another object
// with the following shape: {items: any[], date: string}
// To do that, what we can do is iterate over all of the keys
// of the incoming object (shown above) except for the 'date'
// key and put all of their values in the items array.
// We can do that by getting all of the keys as an array
// (Object.keys) and iterate through them, filtering out the
// 'date' key. For the other keys, that actually pass by the
// filter, we use the map function to turn them into their actual
// values.
const items = Object.keys(temp)
.filter(key => key !== 'date')
.map(key => temp[key]);
// Now we just have to build up the object to be returned, including
// the date, that was filtered out in the code above.
return {items, date: temp.date};
}) // end of Array.map
<div *ngFor="let sell of sells">
<div *ngFor"let item of sell?.items">