HIVE 4:由于找不到cortex.connector模块而无法启动

时间:2020-05-13 06:41:04

标签: java hive connector

我正在尝试设置Hive 4,但无法开始说:

Cannot load module[Module [connectors.cortex.CortexConnector] cannot be instantiated



当它与The Hive的版本3一起使用时,我查看了已加载的模块,却发现:



curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer OBFUSCATED' http://OBFUSCATED:9001/api/analyzer


我希望有人可以提供帮助,因为我完全被困住了。 预先感谢


play.http.secret.key = OBFUSCATED

# Authentication
auth {
        # ad : use ActiveDirectory to authenticate users. Configuration is under "" key
        provider = [local]

# Maximum time between two requests without requesting authentication
session {
  warning = 5m
  inactivity = 1h

play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer= 1M
play.http.parser.maxDiskBuffer = 1D

# Cortex
play.modules.enabled += connectors.cortex.CortexConnector

cortex {
    url = "https://OBFUSCATED:9001/"
    key = "OBFUSCATED"
  refreshDelay = 1 minute
  maxRetryOnError = 3
  statusCheckInterval = 1 minute

https.port: 9000
play.server.https.keyStore {
      path: /etc/thehive/keystore.jks
      type: JKS
      password: OBFUSCATED
http.port: disabled
auth.method.basic = true

db {
  provider: janusgraph
  janusgraph {
    storage {
      backend: cql
      hostname: [
      ] # seed node ip addresses

      #username: "<cassandra_username>"       # login to connect to database (if configured in Cassandra)
      #password: "<cassandra_passowrd"

      cql {
        cluster-name: thehivedb       # cluster name
        keyspace: thehive           # name of the keyspace
        local-datacenter: datacenter1   # name of the datacenter where TheHive runs (relevant only on multi datacenter setup)
        # replication-factor: 2 # number of replica
        read-consistency-level: ONE
        write-consistency-level: ONE
storage {
  provider: hdfs
  hdfs {
    root: "hdfs://thehive1:10000" # namenode server
    location: "/thehive"
    username: thehive

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是我在TheHive github项目上获得的解决方案:

请参阅application.conf中的键“ play.modules.enabled”。更换 play.modules.enabled + = connector.cortex.CortexConnector 通过 play.modules.enabled + = org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.CortexModule