
时间:2020-05-12 11:39:57

标签: python tensorflow keras word2vec word-embedding

我不知道如何构建一个嵌入CBOW模型的张量流词。 我在构建生成数据功能时遇到麻烦。 这是我的预处理函数:

# Removes sentences with fewer than 3 words
corpus = [sentence for sentence in corpus if sentence.count(" ") >= 2]

# remove punctuation in text and fit tokenizer on entire corpus
tokenizer = Tokenizer(filters='!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\t\n'+"'")

# convert text to sequence of integer values
corpus = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(corpus)
n_samples = sum(len(s) for s in corpus) # total number of words in the corpus
V = len(tokenizer.word_index) + 1 # total number of unique words in the corpus


def generate_data_skipgram(corpus, window_size, V):
    maxlen = window_size*2
    all_in = []
    all_out = []
    for words in corpus:
        L = len(words)
        for index, word in enumerate(words):
            p = index - window_size
            n = index + window_size + 1

            in_words = []
            labels = []
            for i in range(p, n):
                if i != index and 0 <= i < L:
                    # Add the input word
                    # Add one-hot of the context words
                    all_out.append(to_categorical(words[i], V))

    return (np.array(all_in),np.array(all_out))

我应该如何创建generate_data_CBOW函数,类似于生成跳过图之一。 我尝试寻找类似的结果,但所有结果均来自2016年,并且已经过时了

编辑: 这是我运行skipgram模型的模型,如果有帮助的话

#create skipgram architecture
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=V, output_dim=dim, input_length=1, embeddings_initializer='glorot_uniform', ))
model.add(Dense(V, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', activation='softmax'))
# compile the model
model.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
# summarize the model
plot_model(model, show_shapes = True, show_layer_names=False)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

def generate_context_word_pairs(corpus, window_size, vocab_size):
    context_length = window_size*2
    for words in corpus:
        sentence_length = len(words)
        for index, word in enumerate(words):
            context_words = []
            label_word   = []            
            start = index - window_size
            end = index + window_size + 1
                                 for i in range(start, end) 
                                 if 0 <= i < sentence_length 
                                 and i != index])

            x = sequence.pad_sequences(context_words, maxlen=context_length)
            y = np_utils.to_categorical(label_word, vocab_size)
            yield (x, y)

# Test this out for some samples
i = 0
for x, y in generate_context_word_pairs(corpus=wids, window_size=window_size, vocab_size=vocab_size):
    if 0 not in x[0]:
        print('Context (X):', [id2word[w] for w in x[0]], '-> Target (Y):', id2word[np.argwhere(y[0])[0][0]])
        if i == 10:
        i += 1

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