
时间:2020-05-12 11:23:16

标签: web-scraping youtube jsoup




            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) website.openConnection();
            System.out.println("\n\nresponse code --> " + conn.getResponseCode());
            System.out.println("response msg  --> " + conn.getResponseMessage());
            InputStream inputstream = conn.getInputStream();
            Document doc = Jsoup.parse(inputstream, null, url);
            Elements metaElements = doc.head().getElementsByTag("meta"); 

我在for循环中打印了URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ecjgBNwxYI的标题和描述20次。 输出是

当我在同一网址的for循环中运行此代码时,我得到不同的响应... 我已经打印了网址的标题和说明


response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
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<meta name="description" content="Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.">
<meta name="keywords" content="video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload">

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail

response code --> 200
response msg  --> OK
description  ---> Introducing a new approach to email. Learn about the key features of Inbox Insight to quickly get started. This App comes free for your iPhone and Android wi...
Introducing Inbox Insight for Zoho Mail
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 14 seconds)



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