
时间:2011-05-30 09:15:16

标签: sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2008 stored-procedures



  1. 表C,D NOT 必要为空
  2. 多个进程可以同时调用脚本
  3. 表A具有表B的外键(fk_a_b)

       ________________________  _________________
       |        Table A       |  |   Table B     |  
       |______________________|  |_______________|
       | id     FK_A_B   name |  | id    visible |
       | ----- -------- ------|  | ----- --------|
       | 1      21       n1   |  | 21     true   |
       | 5      32       n2   |  | 32     false  |
       ------------------------  -----------------


       |   Table D    |  
       | id   visible |
       | ----- -------|
       | 51    true   |
       | 52    false  |

    现在,当我将表A复制到C时,我需要知道,ID = 21现在映射到ID = 51,ID = 32到ID = 52。最后,表C将是:

       |        Table C       |
       | id     FK_C_D   name |
       | ----- -------- ------|
       | 61      51       n1  |
       | 62      52       n2  |

    因为几个进程可能同时调用脚本,所以我不能改变表A,B来添加一些辅助列。所以,为了达到这个目的,我使用了CURSOR。我逐行复制了表B和托管临时表,将OldId映射到NewId(21-> 51,32-> 52),然后使用此临时表复制表A.



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

您可以将输出子句与merge语句一起使用,以获取源标识和目标标识之间的映射。 在这个问题中描述。 Using merge..output to get mapping between source.id and target.id



-- @A and @B is the source tables
declare @A as table
  id int,
  FK_A_B int,
  name varchar(10)

declare @B as table
  id int,
  visible bit

-- Sample data in @A and @B
insert into @B values (21, 1),(32, 0)
insert into @A values (1, 21, 'n1'),(5, 32, 'n2')

-- @C and @D is the target tables with id as identity columns
declare @C as table
  id int identity,
  FK_C_D int not null,
  name varchar(10)

declare @D as table
  id int identity,
  visible bit

-- Sample data already in @C and @D
insert into @D values (1),(0)
insert into @C values (1, 'x1'),(1, 'x2'),(2, 'x3')


-- The @IdMap is a table that holds the mapping between
-- the @B.id and @D.id (@D.id is an identity column)
declare @IdMap table(TargetID int, SourceID int)

-- Merge from @B to @D.
merge @D as D             -- Target table
using @B as B             -- Source table
on 0=1                    -- 0=1 means that there are no matches for merge
when not matched then
  insert (visible) values(visible)    -- Insert to @D
output inserted.id, B.id into @IdMap; -- Capture the newly created inserted.id and
                                      -- map that to the source (@B.id)

-- Add rows to @C from @A with a join to
-- @IdMap to get the new id for the FK relation
insert into @C(FK_C_D, name)
select I.TargetID, A.name 
from @A as A
  inner join @IdMap as I
    on A.FK_A_B = I.SourceID


select *
from @D as D
  inner join @C as C
    on D.id = C.FK_C_D

id          visible id          FK_C_D      name
----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1           1       1           1           x1
1           1       2           1           x2
2           0       3           2           x3
3           1       4           3           n1
4           0       5           4           n2


答案 1 :(得分:0)

E.g。 SQL Server将rowguid字段添加到某些发布中包含的用于合并复制的表中。我认为,这种方法可以用在你的任务中。我们的想法是添加几个将扮演pf全局标识符角色的GUID字段,因此我们可以在两个master-datails表对中使用它们

答案 2 :(得分:0)


if object_id('tempdb..#TableB') is not null
    drop table #TableB

select identity(int) RowId, *
into #TableB
from TableB

if object_id('tempdb..#TableDIds') is not null
    drop table #TableDIds
create table  #TableDIds (RowId int identity(1,1), Id int)

insert TableD
output inserted.Id into #TableDIds
select Visible
from #TableB
order by RowId

insert TableC
select tdi.Id, ta.name
from TableA ta
    join #TableB tb on
        ta.FK_A_B = tb.Id
    join #TableDIds tdi on
        tdi.RowId = tb.RowId


create table TableB
    Id int not null primary key,
    Visible bit not null

create table TableA
    Id int not null, 
    FK_A_B int not null foreign key references TableB(Id), 
    Name varchar(10) not null

create table TableD
    Id int identity(1,1) primary key,
    Visible bit not null

create table TableC
    Id int identity(1,1), 
    FK_C_D int not null references TableD(Id), 
    Name varchar(10) not null

insert TableB
    (21, 1),
    (32, 0)

insert TableA
    (1, 21, 'n1'),
    (5, 32, 'n2')

答案 3 :(得分:0)