
时间:2011-05-30 07:30:06

标签: algorithm image language-agnostic image-processing



Enter image description here


我已经应用了一些基本的形态学操作;但是,要么我做错了,要么那些基本的形态学操作在这种情况下不起作用。 (我已经尝试将它变成骷髅;但是,一旦形成骷髅,我似乎无法检测到有三条边的十字架)。




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6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


import pymorph as m
import mahotas
from numpy import where, reshape

image = mahotas.imread('input.png') # Load image

b1 = image[:,:,0] < 100 # Make a binary image from the thresholded red channel
b2 = m.erode(b1, m.sedisk(4)) # Erode to enhance contrast of the bridge
b3 = m.open(b2,m.sedisk(4)) # Remove the bridge
b4 = b2-b3 # Bridge plus small noise
b5 = m.areaopen(b4,1000) # Remove small areas leaving only a thinned bridge
b6 = m.dilate(b3)*b5 # Extend the non-bridge area slightly and get intersection with the bridge.

#b6 is image of end of bridge, now find single points
b7 = m.thin(b6, m.endpoints('homotopic')) # Narrow regions to single points.
labelled = m.label(b7) # Label endpoints.

x1, y1 = reshape(where(labelled == 1),(1,2))[0]
x2, y2 = reshape(where(labelled == 2),(1,2))[0]

outputimage = m.overlay(b1, m.dilate(b7,m.sedisk(5)))
mahotas.imsave('output.png', outputimage)


答案 1 :(得分:5)


import pymorph as m
import mahotas
from numpy import array

image = mahotas.imread('1.png') # load image

b1 = image[:,:,1] < 150 # make binary image from thresholded green channel

b2 = m.thin(b1) # create skeleton
b3 = m.thin(b2, m.endpoints('homotopic'), 15) # prune small branches, may need tuning

# structuring elements to search for 3-connected pixels
seA1 = array([[False,  True, False],
       [False,  True, False],
       [ True, False,  True]], dtype=bool)

seB1 = array([[False, False, False],
       [ True, False,  True],
       [False,  True, False]], dtype=bool)

seA2 = array([[False,  True, False],
       [ True,  True,  True],
       [False, False, False]], dtype=bool)

seB2 = array([[ True, False,  True],
       [False, False, False],
       [False,  True, False]], dtype=bool)

# hit or miss templates from these SEs
hmt1 = m.se2hmt(seA1, seB1)
hmt2 = m.se2hmt(seA2, seB2)

# locate 3-connected regions
b4 = m.union(m.supcanon(b3, hmt1), m.supcanon(b3, hmt2))

# dilate to merge nearby hits
b5 = m.dilate(b4, m.sedisk(10))

# locate centroids
b6 = m.blob(m.label(b5), 'centroid')

outputimage = m.overlay(b1, m.dilate(b6,m.sedisk(5)))
mahotas.imsave('output.png', outputimage)  

sample output sample output

答案 2 :(得分:2)


f[i_] := 
   Module[{t, i2, w, z, neighbours, i3, cRed}, 
  (t = Thinning[ColorNegate@i, 15]; 
   i2 = ImageData@Binarize[ DeleteSmallComponents[
        ImageSubtract[t, Dilation[Erosion[t, 1], 1]], 100], .1];

    For[w = 2, w < Dimensions[i2][[1]], w++,
     For[z = 2, z < Dimensions[i2][[2]], z++,
      If[i2[[w, z]] == 1 && i2[[w + 1, z + 1]] == 1, 
         i2[[w, z + 1]] = i2[[w + 1, z]] = 0];
      If[i2[[w, z]] == i2[[w - 1, z - 1]] == 1, 
         i2[[w, z - 1]] = i2[[w - 1, z]] = 0];
      If[i2[[w, z]] == i2[[w + 1, z - 1]] == 1, 
         i2[[w, z - 1]] = i2[[w + 1, z]] = 0];
      If[i2[[w, z]] == i2[[w - 1, z + 1]] == 1, 
         i2[[w, z + 1]] = i2[[w - 1, z]] = 0];

    neighbours[l_, k_, j_] := 
      l[[k - 1, j]] +     l[[k + 1, j]] +     l[[k, j + 1]] + l[[k, j - 1]] + 
      l[[k + 1, j + 1]] + l[[k + 1, j - 1]] + l[[k - 1, j + 1]] + 
      l[[k - 1, j - 1]];

    i3 = Table[
      If[i2[[w, z]] ==1,neighbours[i2, w, z], 0],{w,2,Dimensions[i2][[1]]-1}, 
    cRed = 
     ColorNegate@Rasterize[Graphics[{Red, Disk[]}], ImageSize -> 15];

      cRed, {#[[2]], Dimensions[i2][[1]] - #[[1]]} &@
       Position[i3, 1][[1]]], 
      cRed, {#[[2]], Dimensions[i2][[1]] - #[[1]]} &@
       Position[i3, 1][[2]]])];

enter image description here

答案 3 :(得分:1)



2)寻找干线 - 路径上的线段大致平行一段距离的位置(空间索引,例如八叉树或kdtree将有助于保持搜索本地化)



答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


X - 输入图像中设置为黑色的对象 D(X) - 物体X的距离函数 D(~X) - 对象补码的距离函数 - 这通常类似于自身设置的对象的骨架化。

因此,这里的基本直觉是物体X的拓扑结构使得在重头附近可以找到夹点 - 一个你肯定在骨架中有一个连接点的地方 - 同时也是一个低值的对象补充的距离函数。颈部或夹点在接合点处产生最小值。

也许这个想法需要一些调整 - 但我猜一个人可以解决。