
时间:2020-05-10 13:55:27

标签: python algorithm data-structures tree time-complexity

我有一个二叉树,其中每个节点都有唯一的整数。我想找到位于同一层的两个节点之间的水平距离。 某些节点可能没有子节点或子树,但要计算距离,我们还需要考虑那些空节点。就像在附加的二叉树中,Distance(7,1)= 3和Distance(9,4)= 6。 为此,我尝试了以下步骤:

  1. 将现有树转换为完整的二叉树。向不存在子子树或满足完整二叉树条件的节点的节点添加空节点。
  2. 使用广度优先搜索算法遍历树,并将遍历遍历存储在字典中。
  3. 获取用户输入的值,例如级别,first_node,second_node,并在对树中的所有节点进行验证后给出它们之间的距离。

通过执行上述步骤,我得到了解决方案,但是它花费了 O(N ^ 2)的时间复杂度。要使二叉树变成完整的二叉树需要 O(N ^ 2),而使用BFS遍历则需要 O(N ^ 2 )时间复杂度。



from pprint import pprint
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.right = None
        self.left = None

    def maxDepth(self):  # get the height of tree
        depth = 0
        if self.left:  depth = self.left.maxDepth + 1
        if self.right: depth = max(depth, self.left.maxDepth + 1)
        return depth

    def expandToDepth(self, depth=None):  # full binary tree conversion method
        if depth is None: depth = self.maxDepth
        if not depth: return
        if not self.left:  self.left = Node(None)
        if not self.right: self.right = Node(None)
        self.left.expandToDepth(depth - 1)
        self.right.expandToDepth(depth - 1)

d = {}

def traverse_dfs(root):  # traverse the whole tree with BFS algo
    h = root.maxDepth + 1
    for i in range(1, h + 1):
        level_traverse(root, i, i)

def level_traverse(root, level, original_level):  # traverse the nodes at particular level
    if root is None:
    if level == 1:
        if d.get(original_level):
            d[original_level] = [root.data]
    elif level > 1:
        level_traverse(root.left, level - 1, original_level)
        level_traverse(root.right, level - 1, original_level)

root = Node(5)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
root.left.left = Node(7)
root.left.left.left = Node(9)
root.right.right = Node(1)
root.right.right.right = Node(6)
root.right.right.left = Node(4)

root.expandToDepth()  # convert normal tree to full binary tree

traverse_dfs(root)    # BFS traversal and stor the level wise traversal in dictionary d.


level = int(input("Enter level: "))
first_node, second_node = map(int, input("Enter two nodes separated with space: ").split())

print("Getting horizontal distance between given nodes lies on the same level")
if first_node is None or second_node is None:
    print("None type nodes are invalid")
if d.get(level):
    if first_node in d[level] and second_node in d[level]:
        distance = abs(d[level].index(first_node) - d[level].index(second_node))
        print("Distance invalid")
    print("Invalid level")


{1: [5],
 2: [2, 3],
 3: [7, None, None, 1],
 4: [9, None, None, None, None, None, 4, 6]}
Enter level: 3
Enter two nodes separated with space: 7 1
Getting horizontal distance between given nodes lies on the same level

Binary tree

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




因此,...您可以将这些路径创建为二进制数。在示例中:000和110。 现在以二进制表示形式将它们彼此相减:您得到6。这确实是距离。


class Node:
    def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None):
        self.data = data
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

def dfs(root, d={}, path=""):
    if root:
        d[root.data] = path
        dfs(root.left, d, path+"0")
        dfs(root.right, d, path+"1")
    return d

root = Node(5)
root.left = Node(2)
root.right = Node(3)
root.left.left = Node(7)
root.left.left.left = Node(9)
root.right.right = Node(1)
root.right.right.right = Node(6)
root.right.right.left = Node(4)

# create a dictionary of <nodevalue, path>
d = dfs(root)

val1, val2 = map(int, input("Enter two nodes separated with space: ").split())

# convert the numbers to the corresponding paths:
node1 = d.get(val1, None)
node2 = d.get(val2, None)

# check whether these nodes actually exist
if node1 is None or node2 is None:
    print("At least one value is invalid or not found")

# If the paths have different lengths, the nodes are not on the same level
if len(node1) != len(node2):
    print("Nodes are not on the same level")

# Use the magic of binary numbers:
dist = abs(int(node1, 2) - int(node2, 2))