
时间:2020-05-10 11:05:37

标签: linux dependencies apt

abhijith@abhijith-Lenovo-G580:`~$ sudo apt install john`:

Reading package lists... Done. 
Building dependency tree         
Reading state information... Done   
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.  
The following packages have unmet dependencies:  
john : Depends: john-data (= 1.8.0-2build1) but it is not going to be 
mongodb-org : Depends: mongodb-org-server but it is not going to be installed  
Depends: mongodb-org-mongos but it is not going to be installed  
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

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new.meta = meta.data
new.meta[,which(new.meta[,"colposition"] == FALSE)] = NULL
