我正在开发一个应用程序来移动和调整OSX上其他应用程序的窗口。 主要的应用程序是用Cocoa编写的,但调整大小的部分是用AppleScript完成的,因为Cocoa似乎没有这种功能。
tell application "TextEdit"
set currentWindow to the window id 5184
set bounds of the currentWindow to {2855, 218, 3790, 578}
end tell
使用OSX 10.6中引入的CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo API获取Window ID。
这种方法适用于大多数Windows,但对于无法编写的应用程序则失败。 最突出的例子是OSX自己的预览。
tell application "System Events"
set bounds of window 5184 to {1920, -502, 2855, 578}
end tell
"System Events got an error: Can’t set bounds of window 5184 to {1920, -502, 2855, 578}."
tell application "System Events"
get window 5184
end tell
在OSX上以编程方式调整不可编写窗口大小的正确方法是什么? 我可以从moom等应用程序中看到它。
任何建议 - 无论是基于Cocoa还是AppleScript还是完全不同的东西 - 都非常受欢迎。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
不幸的是,AppleScripting应用程序的窗口取决于应用程序的开发人员 - 一般来说没有干净的方法。看看我几年前为所有特殊情况写的这个剧本:
-- Get screen bounds and origins
set f to (path to preferences from local domain as Unicode text) & "com.apple.windowserver.plist"
tell application "System Events" to set {{|Width|:w1, |Height|:h1, |OriginX|:OX1, |OriginY|:OY1}, {|Width|:w2, |Height|:h2, |OriginX|:OX2, |OriginY|:OY2}} to value of property list items of property list item 1 of property list item "DisplaySets" of property list file f
set SecondaryScreenBounds to {OX2, OY2, OX2 + w2, OY2 + h2}
set RHedge to OX1
set BOTedge to OY1
tell application "Finder"
-- Get the running apps (excluding those with special windows)
set |running| to name of processes whose visible is true and name is not "Finder" and name is not "QuickSilver" and name is not "CopyPaste" and name is not "DropCopy" and name is not "iPulse"
repeat with anApp in |running|
try -- for a scriptable App with window bounds property
tell application anApp
set allWindows to (every window)
repeat with aWindow in allWindows
set Wbounds to (get bounds of aWindow)
if item 1 of Wbounds > RHE or item 2 of Wbounds > BoE then my moveWindows(contents of anApp)
end repeat
end tell
on error -- for an App with window position & size properties
tell application "System Events"
tell application process anApp
set allWindows to (every window)
repeat with aWindow in allWindows
set {p1, p2} to aWindow's position
if p1 ≥ RHedge or p2 ≥ BOTedge then my moveWindows(contents of anApp)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end try
end repeat
-- for the Finder
set allWindows to (every window whose visible is true)
repeat with aWindow in allWindows
set Wbounds to bounds of aWindow
if (item 1 of Wbounds) > RHedge or (item 2 of Wbounds) > BOTedge then
set bounds of aWindow to {200, 200, 1200, 800}
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- for Safari
if "Safari" is in |running| then tell application "Safari"
set Wind to name of windows
set Wbounds to bounds of windows
repeat with k from 1 to count Wind
set W to item k of Wind
set B to item k of Wbounds
if (item 1 of B) ≥ RHedge or (item 2 of B) ≥ BOTedge then
set bounds of window W to {200, 200, 1200, 800}
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- for HoudahSpot
if "HoudahSpot" is in |running| then tell application "System Events" to tell process "HoudahSpot"
set W to name of windows
set B to position of windows
repeat with k from 1 to count W
if item k of W is not missing value and (item 1 of item k of B) ≥ RHedge then set position of window (item k of W) to {100, 100}
end repeat
end tell
-- for Activity Monitor
if "Activity Monitor" is in |running| then tell application "System Events" to tell process "Activity Monitor"
set W to name of windows
set B to position of windows
repeat with k from 1 to count W
if item k of W is not missing value and (item 1 of item k of B) ≥ RHedge then set position of window (item k of W) to {100, 100}
end repeat
end tell
-- for 1Password
if "1Password" is in |running| then tell application "System Events" to tell process "1Password"
set W to name of windows
set B to position of windows
repeat with k from 1 to count W
if item k of W is not missing value and (item 1 of item k of B) ≥ RHedge then set position of window (item k of W) to {100, 100}
end repeat
end tell
-- for iCal
if "iCal" is in |running| then tell application "iCal"
set iCB to bounds of window "iCal"
if item 1 of iCB ≥ RHedge or item 2 of iCB ≥ BOTedge then
set bounds of window "iCal" to {100, 100, 1200, 1000}
end if
end tell
-- for a Help Window
tell application "System Events"
if exists process "Help Viewer" then tell process "Help Viewer"
set W to windows
repeat with w1 in W
set position of w1 to {200, 200}
end repeat
end tell
end tell
to moveWindows(anApp)
tell application "System Events"
if anApp is "ScriptLight" then
tell process "ScriptLight" to set position of window 1 to {200, 200}
else if anApp is "PowerKey" then
tell process "PowerKey" to set position of window "PowerKey" to {200, 200}
else if anApp is "Script Debugger 4" then
tell application process "Script Debugger 4"
set allWindows to (every window)
repeat with aWindow in allWindows
set {p1, p2} to aWindow's position
if p1 ≥ 1680 or p2 > 1050 then set aWindow's position to {100, 100}
end repeat
end tell
end if
end tell
end moveWindows
答案 1 :(得分:1)
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Preview"
set theWindows to windows
return properties of (item 1 of theWindows)
end tell
end tell
答案 2 :(得分:0)
在我的情况下,我需要调整应用程序的大小以匹配屏幕大小,并且如果您授予脚本编辑器assistive access,我发现您可以使用“系统事件”。如果您save the script as an app,则需要授予该应用访问权限。
set theApp to "cefclient"
tell application "Finder"
set screenResolution to bounds of window of desktop
end tell
set screenWidth to item 3 of screenResolution
set screenHeight to item 4 of screenResolution
tell application theApp
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process theApp
set the size of front window to {screenWidth, screenHeight}
end tell
end tell