
时间:2020-05-06 11:58:04

标签: python datetime timedelta

我有这些日期,2020年2月2日和2020年6月30日,我想检查一下它们之间有多少天跳过了12月25日或5月1日等指定日期以及周末。 >




import math
from datetime import datetime

date_input = '4/2/2020'
date_end = '30/6/2020'
start = datetime.strptime(date_input, "%d-%m-%Y").date()
end = datetime.strptime(date_end, "%d-%m-%Y").date()

Gap = (end - start).days
N_weeks = Gap / 7
weekends = (math.trunc(N_weeks)) * 2

final_result = str((Gap) - weekends)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您有应该跳过的日期的列表,则可以测试是否有任何日期在开始日期和结束日期范围内。 date个对象是可排序的,因此可以使用:

# list of holiday dates
dates_to_skip = [date(2020, 5, 1), date(2020, 12, 25)]

skip_count = 0
for to_skip in dates_to_skip:
    if start <= to_skip < end:
        skip_count += 1

仅当start <= to_skip < end日期介于两个值之间时,to_skip链接比较才为真。对于您的示例日期,只有5月1日是这种情况:

>>> from datetime import date
>>> start = date(2020, 2, 4)
>>> end = date(2020, 6, 30)
>>> dates_to_skip = [date(2020, 5, 1), date(2020, 12, 25)]
>>> for to_skip in dates_to_skip:
...     if start <= to_skip < end:
...         print(f"{to_skip} falls between {start} and {end}")
2020-05-01 falls between 2020-02-04 and 2020-06-30


在这种情况下,您要使用 bisection 来快速确定startend之间的匹配日期数,方法是确保保留要跳过的日期列表按照排序,然后使用bisect module查找要插入startend的索引;这两个索引之间的差异是您要从范围计数中减去的匹配日期数:

from bisect import bisect_left

def count_skipped(start, end, dates_to_skip):
    """Count how many dates in dates_to_skip fall between start and end

    start is inclusive, end is exclusive

    if start >= end:
        return 0
    start_idx = bisect_left(dates_to_skip, start)
    end_idx = bisect_left(dates_to_skip, end, lo=start_idx)
    return end_idx - start_idx

请注意,bisect.bisect_left()为您提供所有值所在的索引 dates_to_skip[start_idx:]中的等于或大于开始日期。对于结束日期,dates_to_skip[:end_idx]中的所有值都将较低(dates_to_skip[end_idx]本身可以等于end,但排除end)。而且,一旦您知道开始日期的索引,当搜索结束日期的索引时,我们可以告诉bisect_left()跳过所有值,直到start_idx,因为结束日期将比任何start值(尽管dates_to_skip[start_idx]处的值可能高于开始值和结束值)。这两个bisect_left()结果之间的区别是开始日期和结束日期之间的日期数。

使用bisect的优势在于,它需要O(logN)步骤来计算N个日期列表中有多少个日期落在startend之间,而这很简单上方的for to_skip in dates_to_skip:循环需要O(N)个步骤。有5个或10个要测试的日期无关紧要,但是如果您有1000个日期,那么bisect方法仅需要10个步骤,而不是1000个就变得很重要。


假设您的开始日期是一个星期一,结束日期是又一个星期的星期五,您之间只有1个周末,因此有11-2 = 9个工作日(不计算结束日期):

| M   | T | W | T | F   |  S  |  S  |
|-----|---|---|---|-----|---- |-----|
| [1] | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5  | _1_ | _2_ |
|  6  | 7 | 8 | 9 | (E) |     |     |


但是,如果开始日期是星期五,而结束日期是下一个第二周的星期二,那么开始和结束之间的整天数相同,但是现在您必须减去 2 < / strong>周末;这两天之间只有7个工作日:

| M | T   | W | T | F   |  S  |  S  |
|   |     |   |   | [1] | _1_ | _2_ |
| 2 |  3  | 4 | 5 |  6  | _3_ | _4_ |
| 7 | (E) |   |   |     |     |     |


您可以找到任何给定日期的最接近的星期六,方法是使用date.weekday() value,然后从5中减去,并将该值模数7作为要添加的天数。这将始终为您提供一周中任何一天的正确价值;对于周末(0-4),5 - date.weekday()是到星期六要跳过的正天数,对于星期六(5),结果是0(没有要跳过的天数),对于星期日(6),{ {1}}是5 - 6,但是-1模运算将其转换为% 7,所以需要6天。

以下函数实现了这些技巧,以使您在两个日期(7 - 1)start之间(其中end小于start)正确的周末天数:< / p>



如果from datetime import timedelta def count_weekend_days(start, end): """Count the number of weekend days (Saturday, Sunday) Start is inclusive, end is exclusive. """ if start >= end: return 0 # If either start or end are a Sunday, count these manually # Boolean results have either a 0 (false) or 1 (true) integer # value, so we can do arithmetic with these: boundary_sundays = (start.weekday() == 6) - (end.weekday() == 6) # find the nearest Saturday from the start and end, going forward start += timedelta(days=(5 - start.weekday()) % 7) end += timedelta(days=(5 - end.weekday()) % 7) # start and end are Saturdays, the difference between # these days is going to be a whole multiple of 7. # Floor division by 7 gives the number of whole weekends weekends = (end - start).days // 7 return boundary_sundays + (weekends * 2) start都是工作日(其end方法的结果是0到4之间的值),则移动到下一个星期六将保持整个周末的相同数量在两个日期之间,无论他们从哪个工作日开始。以这种方式向前移动日期不会使周末的日数产生偏差,但确实可以更轻松地获取正确的数字。

如果date.weekday()落在某个星期日,则向前移动到下一个星期六将需要分别说明该跳过的星期日;您希望将半个周末包含在结果中,以便将总数加1。如果start是星期天,则该天不应该计入总数(结束日期在该范围内),但是要移至下一个星期六 / em>将其包括在计数中,因此您要减去这多余的周末。





def count_workdays(start, end, holidays):
    """Count the number of workdays between start and end.

    Workdays are dates that fall on Monday through to Friday.

    start and end are datetime.date objects. holidays is a sorted
    list of date objects that should *not* count as workdays; it is assumed
    that all dates in this list fall on Monday through to Friday;
    if there are any weekend days in this list the workday count
    may be incorrect as weekend days will be subtracted more than once.

    Start is inclusive, end exclusive.

    if start >= end:
        return 0
    count = (end - start).days
    count -= count_skipped(start, end, holidays)
    count -= count_weekend_days(start, end)

    return count