
时间:2020-05-04 23:56:13

标签: c# .net

如果满足条件,是否可以忽略一行代码/代码块? 我正在做C#.NET教程,该应用程序是一个猜数字游戏。


// While guess is not correct
            while (guess != correctNumber)
                //Get users input
                string input = Console.ReadLine();

                // Make sure it's a number
                if (!int.TryParse(input, out guess))
                    // Print error message
                    PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Red, "Please use an actual number");

                    // Keep going

                // Cast to int and put in guess
                guess = Int32.Parse(input);

                // Check if guess is close to correct number
                if(guess == correctNumber + 2 || guess == correctNumber - 2)
                    // Tell the user that he is close
                    PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "You are close!!");

                // Match guess to correct number
                else if (guess != correctNumber)
                    // Print error message
                    PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Red, "Wrong number, please try again");


            // Print success message 
            PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "You are CORRECT!");

基本上,我是在问用户是否要提示,如果他写了Y,则将显示提示。但是,是否有一个选项仅一次显示此问题,因为此if语句包含在 while 循环中? 如果“您要提示吗?”会很烦人。即使用户说是,问题也会一直显示。


static void AskForAHint(int num)
        // Ask user if he wants a hint
        Console.WriteLine("Do you want a hint? [Y/N]");

        // Take his answer
        string ans = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

        // If the user wants a hint
        if (ans == "Y")
            // First hint number
            int beginning = (num - num % 10);
            // Second hint number
            int finish = beginning + 10;
            // Give user a hint
            Console.WriteLine("The correct number is somewhere betweer {0} and {1}", beginning, finish);
        else if (ans == "N")


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我认为您可以通过计数器执行“如果”操作。 试试吧

        Int cont = 0; //global
        // While guess is not correct
        while (guess != correctNumber)
            //Get users input
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            // Make sure it's a number
            if (!int.TryParse(input, out guess))
                // Print error message
                PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Red, "Please use an actual number");

                // Keep going

            // Cast to int and put in guess
            guess = Int32.Parse(input);

            // Check if guess is close to correct number
            if(guess == correctNumber + 2 || guess == correctNumber - 2)
                // Tell the user that he is close
                PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, "You are close!!");

            // Match guess to correct number
            else if (guess != correctNumber)
                // Print error message
                PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Red, "Wrong number, please try again");
              if(cont == 0){

        // Print success message 
        PrintColorMessage(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "You are CORRECT!");


static void AskForAHint(int num)
    // Ask user if he wants a hint
    Console.WriteLine("Do you want a hint? [Y/N]");

    // Take his answer
    string ans = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

    // If the user wants a hint
    if (ans == "Y")
        cont = 1;
        // First hint number
        int beginning = (num - num % 10);
        // Second hint number
        int finish = beginning + 10;
        // Give user a hint
        Console.WriteLine("The correct number is somewhere betweer {0} and {1}", beginning, finish);
    else if (ans == "N")

答案 1 :(得分:2)


这将需要对AskForAHint方法进行一些更改,因为我们不知道用户是否对提示问题回答“ Y”或“ N”。由于AskForHint没有返回值,我们可以让它返回一个bool来指示用户如何回答问题:

static bool AskForAHint(int num)
    var answer = GetUserInput("Do you want a hint? [Y/N]: ", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

    if (!answer.StartsWith("Y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        return false;

    var beginning = num - num % 10;
    var finish = beginning + 10;
    Console.WriteLine($"The correct number is somewhere between {beginning} and {finish}");

    return true;


// Only ask for a hint if they have any hints (and guesses) remaining
if (hintCount < maxHints && guessCount < maxGuesses)
    // If they asked for a hint, increase the hint count
    if (AskForAHint(correctNumber)) hintCount++;
    // If they didn't want a hint, max out hint count so we don't ask again
    else hintCount = maxHints; 


private static readonly Random Random = new Random();

private static void PlayGuessingGame(int maxHints = 1, int maxGuesses = 10, 
    int rangeMin = 1, int rangeMax = 100, bool giveDirectionalHint = true)
    if (rangeMax < rangeMin) rangeMax = rangeMin;
    var correctNumber = Random.Next(rangeMin, rangeMax + 1);
    var guessCount = 0;
    var hintCount = 0;

    WriteMessage("Welcome to the guessing game!", ConsoleColor.White);
    WriteMessage("-----------------------------\n", ConsoleColor.White);
    WriteMessage($"I'm thinking of a number from {rangeMin} to {rangeMax}. ", ConsoleColor.Green);
    WriteMessage("Let's see how many guesses it takes you to guess it!\n", ConsoleColor.Green);

        WriteMessage($"(You have {maxGuesses - guessCount} guesses left)");
        var input = GetUserInput("Enter the number I'm thinking of: ", ConsoleColor.White);

        int guess;

        if (!int.TryParse(input, out guess))
            WriteMessage("Please enter a whole number", ConsoleColor.Red);

        // Only increment guesses if they entered an actual number

        if (guess == correctNumber) break;

        if (Math.Abs(guess - correctNumber) == 2)
            WriteMessage("You are close!!", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

        if (giveDirectionalHint)
            WriteMessage("Wrong number - too " + (guess < correctNumber ? "low!" : "high!"),
            WriteMessage("Wrong number, please try again", ConsoleColor.Red);

        // Only ask for a hint if they have any hints (and guesses) remaining
        if (hintCount < maxHints && guessCount < maxGuesses)
            // If they asked for a hint, increase the hint count
            if (AskForAHint(correctNumber)) hintCount++;
            // If they didn't want a hint, max out hint count so we don't ask again
            else hintCount = maxHints; 
    } while (guessCount < maxGuesses);

    WriteMessage("You are CORRECT!", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

    GetKeyFromUser("\nDone! Press any key to exit...");


public static void WriteMessage(string message, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Gray)
    Console.ForegroundColor = color;

private static string GetUserInput(string prompt, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Gray)
    Console.ForegroundColor = color;
    return Console.ReadLine();



enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:0)


private bool alreadyHinted = false;
static void AskForAHint(int num)
         if (alreadyHinted) return;
         alreadyHinted = true;
