
时间:2020-05-04 16:47:45

标签: kubernetes telepresence

我正在使用Telepresense调试k​​ubernetes(v1.15.2)吊舱,在启动Telepresence(v0.104)之后,我无法访问kubernetes服务。当我在远程数据中心的主机中使用以下命令获取apache flink的主页时:


我可以成功收到http html响应,我告诉我apache flink的pod工作正常。但是当我在本地计算机上获得主页时,它显示如下:

~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Document/k8s/work/elk/elasticsearch/custom ⌚ 0:22:43
$ telepresence
T: How Telepresence uses sudo: https://www.telepresence.io/reference/install#dependencies
T: Invoking sudo. Please enter your sudo password.
T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp', which has the following limitations: All processes are affected, only
T: one telepresence can run per machine, and you can't use other VPNs. You may need to add cloud hosts and
T: headless services with --also-proxy. For a full list of method limitations see
T: https://telepresence.io/reference/methods.html
T: Volumes are rooted at $TELEPRESENCE_ROOT. See https://telepresence.io/howto/volumes.html for details.
T: Starting network proxy to cluster using new Deployment telepresence-1588609825-155246-24943

T: No traffic is being forwarded from the remote Deployment to your local machine. You can use the --expose
T: option to specify which ports you want to forward.

T: Connected. Flushing DNS cache.
T: Setup complete. Launching your command.

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
@default|bash-3.2$ curl -L
curl: (52) Empty reply from server


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