
时间:2011-05-27 21:26:31

标签: c# units-of-measurement


我想我正在寻找像bool TryParseMeasurement(string s,out decimal d)之类的东西。有谁知道这样的功能?



  • 6英寸
  • 6英寸
  • 6”
  • 4英尺2英寸
  • 4'2”
  • 4'2“
  • 3英尺
  • 3’
  • 3'
  • 3英尺
  • 3ft10in
  • 3英尺13英寸(应转换为4英尺1英寸)


  • 1M
  • 1.2米
  • 1.321米
  • 1米
  • 481毫米

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


public static class UnitConversion
    public static string[] lstFootUnits = new string[] {"foots", "foot", "feets", "feet", "ft", "f", "\""};
    public static string sFootUnit = "ft";

    public static string[] lstInchUnits = new string[] { "inches", "inchs", "inch", "in", "i", "\'" };
    public static string sInchUnit = "in";

    public static string[] lstPoundUnits = new string[] { "pounds", "pound", "pnds", "pnd", "lbs", "lb", "l", "p" };
    public static string sPoundUnit = "lbs";

    public static string[] lstOunceUnits = new string[] { "ounces", "ounce", "ozs", "oz", "o" };
    public static string sOunceUnit = "oz";

    public static string[] lstCentimeterUnits = new string[] { "centimeters", "centimeter", "centimetres", "centimetre", "cms", "cm", "c"};
    public static string sCentimeterUnit = "cm";

    public static string[] lstKilogramUnits = new string[] { "kilograms", "kilogram", "kilos", "kilo", "kgs", "kg", "k" };
    public static string sKilogramsUnit = "kgs";

    /// <summary>
    /// Attempt to convert between feet/inches and cm
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sHeight"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string ConvertHeight(string sHeight)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sHeight))
            sHeight = UnitConversion.CleanHeight(sHeight);

            if (sHeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sFootUnit))
                sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sFootUnit, "|");
                sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sInchUnit, "|");

                string[] sParts = sHeight.Split('|');

                double? dFeet = null;
                double? dInches = null;
                double dFeetParsed;
                double dInchesParsed;

                if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dFeetParsed))
                    dFeet = dFeetParsed;
                if (sParts.Length >= 4 && double.TryParse(sParts[2].Trim(), out dInchesParsed))
                    dInches = dInchesParsed;

                sHeight = UnitConversion.FtToCm(UnitConversion.CalculateFt(dFeet ?? 0, dInches ?? 0)).ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit;
            else if (sHeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit))
                sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit, "|");
                string[] sParts = sHeight.Split('|');

                double? dCentimeters = null;
                double dCentimetersParsed;

                if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dCentimetersParsed))
                    dCentimeters = dCentimetersParsed;

                int? iFeet;
                int? iInches;
                if (UnitConversion.CmToFt(dCentimeters, out iFeet, out iInches))
                    sHeight = (iFeet != null) ? iFeet.ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sFootUnit : "";
                    sHeight += (iInches != null) ? " " + iInches.ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sInchUnit : "";
                    sHeight = sHeight.Trim();
                    sHeight = "";
                sHeight = "";
            sHeight = "";

        return sHeight;

    /// <summary>
    /// Attempt to convert between Kgs and Lbs
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sWeight"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string ConvertWeight(string sWeight)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWeight))
            sWeight = UnitConversion.CleanWeight(sWeight);

            if (sWeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit))
                sWeight = sWeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit, "|");

                string[] sParts = sWeight.Split('|');

                double? dKilograms = null;
                double dKilogramsParsed;

                if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dKilogramsParsed))
                    dKilograms = dKilogramsParsed;

                sWeight = UnitConversion.KgToLbs(dKilograms).ToString("#.###") + " " + UnitConversion.sPoundUnit;
            else if (sWeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sPoundUnit))
                sWeight = sWeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sPoundUnit, "|");

                string[] sParts = sWeight.Split('|');

                double? dPounds = null;
                double dPoundsParsed;

                if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dPoundsParsed))
                    dPounds = dPoundsParsed;

                sWeight = UnitConversion.LbsToKg(dPounds).ToString("#.###") + " " + UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit;
                sWeight = "";
            sWeight = "";

        return sWeight;

    public static double? CalculateFt(double dFt, double dInch)
        double? dFeet = null;
        if (dFt >= 0 && dInch >= 0 && dInch <= 12)
            dFeet = dFt + (dInch / 12);
        return dFeet;

    public static double KgToLbs(double? dKg)
        if (dKg == null)
            return 0;
        return dKg.Value * 2.20462262;

    public static double LbsToKg(double? dLbs)
        if (dLbs == null)
            return 0;
        return dLbs.Value / 2.20462262;

    public static double FtToCm(double? dFt)
        if (dFt == null)
            return 0;
        return dFt.Value * 30.48;

    public static bool CmToFt(double? dCm, out int? iFt, out int? iInch)

        if (dCm == null)
            iFt = null;
            iInch = null;
            return false;

        double dCalcFeet = dCm.Value / 30.48;
        double dCalcInches = dCalcFeet - Math.Floor(dCalcFeet);
        dCalcFeet = Math.Floor(dCalcFeet);
        dCalcInches = dCalcInches * 12;

        iFt = (int)dCalcFeet;
        iInch = (int)dCalcInches;
        return true;

    private static string CleanUnit(string sOriginal, string[] lstReplaceUnits, string sReplaceWithUnit)
        System.Text.StringBuilder sbPattern = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        foreach (string sReplace in lstReplaceUnits)
            if (sbPattern.Length > 0)

        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rReplace = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(sbPattern.ToString(), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        sOriginal = rReplace.Replace(sOriginal, sReplaceWithUnit);

        /*foreach (string sReplace in lstReplaceUnits)

            sOriginal = sOriginal.Replace(sReplace, " " + sReplaceWithUnit);

        return sOriginal;

    private static bool StringHasNumbers(string sText)
        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rxNumbers = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[0-9]+");

        return rxNumbers.IsMatch(sText);

    private static string ReduceSpaces(string sText)
        while (sText.Contains("  "))
            sText = sText.Replace("  ", " ");

        return sText;

    private static string SeperateNumbers(string sText)
        bool bNumber = false;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sText))
            for (int iChar = 0; iChar < sText.Length; iChar++)
                bool bIsNumber = (sText[iChar] >= '0' && sText[iChar] <= '9') || 
                    (sText[iChar] == '.' && iChar < sText.Length - 1 && sText[iChar + 1] >= '0' && sText[iChar + 1] <= '9');

                if (iChar > 0 && bIsNumber != bNumber)
                    sText = sText.Insert(iChar, " ");

                bNumber = bIsNumber;

        return sText;

    public static string CleanHeight(string sHeight)
        if (UnitConversion.StringHasNumbers(sHeight))
            sHeight = SeperateNumbers(sHeight);
            sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstFootUnits, UnitConversion.sFootUnit);
            sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstInchUnits, UnitConversion.sInchUnit);
            sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstCentimeterUnits, UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit);
            sHeight = SeperateNumbers(sHeight);
            sHeight = ReduceSpaces(sHeight);
            sHeight = "";

        return sHeight;

    public static string CleanWeight(string sWeight)
        if (UnitConversion.StringHasNumbers(sWeight))
            sWeight = SeperateNumbers(sWeight);
            sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstOunceUnits, UnitConversion.sOunceUnit);
            sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstPoundUnits, UnitConversion.sPoundUnit);
            sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstKilogramUnits, UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit);
            sWeight = SeperateNumbers(sWeight);
            sWeight = ReduceSpaces(sWeight);
            sWeight = "";

        return sWeight;

答案 1 :(得分:3)


using System;
using System.Text;

namespace SO_Console_test
    static class ConversionStringExtensions
        //this is going to be a simple example you can 
        //fancy it up a lot...
        public static double ImperialToMetric(this string val)
             * With these inputst we want to total inches.
             * to do this we want to standardize the feet designator to 'f' 
             * and remove the inch designator altogether.
                6 inches
                4 feet 2 inches
                4 ‘ 2 “
                3 feet
                3 ‘
                3ft 13in (should convert to 4’1”) ...no, should convert to 49 inches, then to metric.

            //make the input lower case and remove blanks:
            val = val.ToLower().Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            //make all of the 'normal' feet designators to "ft"
            string S = val.Replace("\'", "f").Replace("feet", "f").Replace("ft", "f").Replace("foot", "f").Replace("‘", "f").Replace("’", "f");

            //and remove any inch designator
            S = S.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("inches", string.Empty).Replace("inch", string.Empty).Replace("in", string.Empty).Replace("“", string.Empty).Replace("”", string.Empty);

            //finally we have to be certain we have a number of feet, even if that number is zero
            S = S.IndexOf('f') > 0 ? S : "0f" + S;

            //now, any of the inputs above will have been converted to a string 
            //that looks like 4 feet 2 inches => 4f2

            string[] values = S.Split('f'); 

            int inches = 0;
            //as long as this produces one or two values we are 'on track' 
            if (values.Length < 3)
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    inches += values[i] != null && values[i] != string.Empty ? int.Parse(values[i]) * (i == 0 ? 12 : 1) : 0 ;

            //now inches = total number of inches in the input string.

            double result = inches * 25.4;

            return result;



namespace SO_Console_test
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)


        private static void showConversion()
            //simple start:
            Console.WriteLine("6ft 2\"".ImperialToMetric().ToString() + " mm");

            //more robust:
            var Imperials = new List<string>(){"6 inches",
                "4 feet 2 inches",
                "4 ‘ 2 “",
                "3 feet",
                "3 ‘",
                "3ft 13in"};

            foreach (string imperial in Imperials)
                Console.WriteLine(imperial + " converted to " + imperial.ImperialToMetric() + " millimeters");


显然,此时对"Fred".ImperialToMetric的调用不会很好。您将需要进行错误处理以及可能需要一些选项来转动1234 mm 1.234 km等等。但是一旦您将其冲洗出来,您就可以使用一种方法来选择。

答案 2 :(得分:1)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication5
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double km,m,f,i,cm;

            Console.WriteLine("The distance between karachi and lahore in (kilometer)km is=");
            km = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            m = km * 1000;
            Console.WriteLine("The distance between karachi and lahore in meter(m) is="+m);

            f = km * 3280.84;
            Console.WriteLine("The distance between karachi and lahore in feet(f) is="+f);

            i = km * 39370.1;
            Console.WriteLine("The distance between karachi and lahore in inches(i) is="+i);

            cm = m * 100;
            Console.WriteLine("The distance between karachi and lahore in centimeter(cm) is="+cm);


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我写的一个字符串扩展名只是为了发现这里已经有一个解决方案:) 剩下要做的唯一一件事就是将“英尺”、“英尺”、“'”替换为“'”和“英寸” , "inch", "in", "", "\"" 到 "''"。

using System;

namespace CustomExtensions
    public static class StringExtension
        const float mPerFeet = 30.48f / 100;
        const float mPerInch = 2.54f / 100;

        // input options:
        // 5'
        // 5'6''
        // 18''
        // 24''
        // 5'6
        // 5 ' 6 ''
        // 5' 6''
        // corner cases:
        // '' will return 0
        // 5''6'' will interpret as 5'6''
        // 5'6' will interpret as 5'6''
        // 6 will interpret as 6''
        // 6''' will interpret as 6''
        public static float MetersFromFeetInches(this string feetInches)
            float feet = 0;
            float inches = 0;
            string[] separators = new string[] { "'", "''", " " };
            string[] subs = feetInches.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (subs.Length == 1)
                if (feetInches.Trim().EndsWith("''"))
                    float.TryParse(subs[0], out inches);
                else if (!feetInches.Trim().EndsWith("''") && !feetInches.Trim().EndsWith("'"))
                    float.TryParse(subs[0], out inches);
                    float.TryParse(subs[0], out feet);
            else if (subs.Length > 1)
                float.TryParse(subs[0], out feet);
                float.TryParse(subs[1], out inches);
            return feet * mPerFeet + inches * mPerInch;