
时间:2011-05-27 15:40:49

标签: ruby mongodb


“[22 / May / 2011:23:02:21 +0000]”

最好的方法是什么(Ruby中的示例最受欢迎,因为我正在使用Mongo Ruby驱动程序)将MongoDB中的内容作为本机日期类型存储?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

require 'date' # this is just to get the ABBR_MONTHNAMES list

input = "[22/May/2011:23:02:21 +0000]"
# this regex captures the numbers and month name
pattern = %r{^\[(\d{2})/(\w+)/(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([+-]\d{4})\]$}
match = input.match(pattern)
# MatchData can be splatted, which is very convenient
_, date, month_name, year, hour, minute, second, tz_offset = *match
# ABBR_MONTHNAMES contains "Jan", "Feb", etc.
month = Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES.index(month_name)
# we need to insert a colon in the tz offset, because Time.new expects it
tz = tz_offset[0,3] + ':' + tz_offset[3,5]
# this is your time object, put it into Mongo and it will be saved as a Date
Time.new(year.to_i, month, date.to_i, hour.to_i, minute.to_i, second.to_i, tz)


  • 我认为月份名称与ABBR_MONTHNAMES列表中的名称相同,否则,只需创建自己的列表。
  • 永远不要使用Date.parse来解析它非常慢的日期,DateTime.parseTime.parse使用相同的实现也是如此。
  • 如果你解析了很多不同的日期格式,请查看home_run gem。
  • 如果您执行了很多这些操作(就像解析日志文件时经常那样),请考虑不使用正则表达式。使用String#index#[]#split提取您需要的部分。


date = input[1, 2].to_i
month_name = input[4, 3]
month = Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES.index(month_name)
year = input[8, 4].to_i
hour = input[13, 2].to_i
minute = input[16, 2].to_i
second = input[19, 2].to_i
tz_offset = input[22, 3].to_i * 60 * 60 + input[25, 2].to_i * 60
Time.new(year, month, date, hour, minute, second, tz_offset)
