我们有一个ASP.NET 1.1应用程序,它使用Crystal Reports来吐出excel电子表格。这些代码在IIS6下工作,但是当我们尝试将其迁移到IIS7时,它会抛出没有内容的html而不是Excel文件。
存在MIME类型。以下是我们使用的代码。我没有编写这段代码,因为我现在主要在3.5框架中工作。我的假设是我在IIS7配置中遗漏了一些东西而不是代码,因为它适用于IIS6。 ASP.NET 1.1应用程序的其余部分适用于IIS7。
Dim cr As ReportClass
'EXPORT the report based on the export type passed in.
Dim ExpOptions As New ExportOptions
Dim ContentType As String
Dim strExt As String
Trace.Write("DisplayReport reportname=" + ReportName + " SQL=" + SQL + " SQLSub1=" + Convert.ToString(Session("SQLSub1")))
'Get the report filled with the data.
If Session("SQLSub1") <> "" Then
If Not Session("SubRptName") Is Nothing Then
cr = PopulateReport(GetReportObject(ReportName), SQL, Session("SQLSub1"), Session("SubRptName"))
Session("SQLSub1") = ""
Session("SubRptName") = Nothing
cr = PopulateReport(GetReportObject(ReportName), SQL, Session("SQLSub1"))
Session("SQLSub1") = ""
End If
cr = PopulateReport(GetReportObject(ReportName), SQL)
End If
If DisplayType = ReportType.Excel Then
If ReportName.ToUpper = "ACTION" Or ReportName.ToUpper = "INVENTORY_EXCEL" _
Or ReportName.ToUpper = "UNDERPERFORM" Or ReportName.ToUpper = "EMPLOYEE_EXCEL" Then
Dim excelFormatOpts As New ExcelFormatOptions
' Set the excel format options.
excelFormatOpts.ExcelTabHasColumnHeadings = True
excelFormatOpts.ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth = False
ExpOptions.FormatOptions = excelFormatOpts
ExpOptions.FormatOptions = New ExcelFormatOptions
End If
ExpOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.Excel
ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
strExt = ".xls"
ElseIf DisplayType = ReportType.PDF Then
ExpOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
ExpOptions.FormatOptions = New PdfRtfWordFormatOptions
ContentType = "application/pdf"
strExt = ".pdf"
End If
'Stream the report to the screen
Dim req As New ExportRequestContext
req.ExportInfo = ExpOptions
Dim s As Stream
s = cr.FormatEngine.ExportToStream(req)
Catch ex As Exception
Trace.Warn("DisplayReport cr.FormatEngine.ExportToStream(req) failed: " + ex.Message)
Dim x As String = String.Empty
End Try
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = ContentType
Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", ContentType)
Dim buffer(s.Length) As Byte
s.Read(buffer, 0, Int(s.Length))
Dim strContentDisposition As String = "inline;filename=" & ReportName.ToString.ToLower & strExt.ToString
Trace.Write("DisplayReport strContentDisposition=" + strContentDisposition)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", strContentDisposition)
Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(New TimeSpan(0, 0, 10))
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