
时间:2020-04-29 12:14:42

标签: javascript string


“ **随机文本**”->“ <strong> random text </strong>



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


String.prototype.mdReplace  = function(tag) { 
  return this.replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, `<${tag}>$1</${tag}>`)
console.log("** test **".mdReplace("strong"))

答案 1 :(得分:0)


const replaceTokensWithTags = (str, token, tag) => {
    return str.split(token).map((v, index) => {
        return index % 2 ? tag + v + (tag[0] + '/' + tag.slice(1)): v;

replaceTokensWithTags("I am also using **tokens** index to **find** where in the text I need to make a change so I can't use regex", '**', '<b>');

// becomes: "I am also using <b>tokens</b> index to <b>find</b> where in the text I need to make a change so I can't use regex"

replaceTokensWithTags("I am also using [b]tokens[b] index to [b]find[b] where in the [b]text I need[b] to make a change so I can't use regex", '[b]', '<b>');

becomes: "I am also using <b>tokens</b> index to <b>find</b> where in the <b>text I need</b> to make a change so I can't use regex"