
时间:2020-04-28 17:18:29

标签: ios swift swiftui


自定义登录视图: ''' 公共结构LoginView:查看{ @ObservedObject var keyboardHandler:KeyboardFollower

select beer, group_concat(distinct name)
from bpb
group by beer
having count(distinct name) > 1



我的其他观点: ''' struct ContentView:查看{

@State var username: String = ""
@State var password: String = ""

@Binding var presentingLoginModal: Bool

@ObservedObject var userDefaultsManager = UserDefaultsManager()

let loginService: SoCoLoginService
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
@State var loginTextButtonColor: Color = Color.blue

public init(loginService: SoCoLoginService, presentingLoginModal: Binding<Bool>) {
        self.keyboardHandler = KeyboardFollower()
        self.loginService = loginService
        self._presentingLoginModal = presentingLoginModal

public var body: some View {
    VStack(content: {
        TextField("Username", text: $username)                

        SecureField("Password", text: $password) {

        Button(action: self.loginUser) {
         HStack {
           Text("Log In")
        .disabled(username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty)

        Toggle(isOn: self.$userDefaultsManager.useFaceID) {
            Text("Use Face ID/Touch ID")
    .onAppear {
        if self.userDefaultsManager.useFaceID {
            let context = LAContext()
            context.localizedCancelTitle = "Enter Username/Password"
            var error: NSError?
            if context.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, error: &error) {
                let reason: String
                if (context.biometryType == LABiometryType.faceID) {
                    reason = "Unlock using Face ID"
                } else if (context.biometryType == LABiometryType.touchID) {
                    reason = "Unlock using Touch ID"
                } else {
                    reason = "Log in to your account"
                context.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthentication, localizedReason: reason ) { success, error in

                    if success {
                        do {
                            let credentials = try self.loginService.getCredentialsInKeychain()
                            self.username = credentials.username
                            self.password = credentials.password
                        } catch KeychainError.unhandledError(let status) {
                          print("Unhandled error of: " + status.description)
                        } catch KeychainError.noPassword {
                          print("No password in keychain")
                        } catch {
                          print("Unexpected error.")
                    } else {
                        print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Failed to authenticate")
    .padding(.bottom, keyboardHandler.keyboardHeight)



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