Google Apps脚本最长执行时间出现问题

时间:2020-04-27 19:07:22

标签: javascript html google-apps-script google-sheets google-apps-script-editor


  1. 按主题行搜索Gmail草稿
  2. 获取Gmail草稿并将其用作模板以创建具有唯一附件的多个草稿
  3. 在草稿创建后输入确认短语。


//Change these to match the column names you are using for email recepient addresses and merge status column//
var RECIPIENT_COL  = "Email";

//Creates the menu item "Mail Merge" for user to run scripts on drop-down//
function onOpen(e) {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  ui.createMenu('Mail Merge')
  .addItem('? Create Drafts', 'createDrafts').addToUi(); 

function createDrafts() {
  // search for the draft Gmail message to merge with by its subject line
  var subjectLine = Browser.inputBox("Select draft " + "to merge with:", "Paste the subject line:", Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);

  if (subjectLine === "cancel" || subjectLine == ""){ 
   // if no subject line finish up

  // get the draft Gmail message to use as a template
  var emailTemplate = getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(subjectLine);
  emailTemplate.subject = subjectLine;

  // get the data from the active sheet
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
  // fetch values for each row in the Range.
  var data = dataRange.getValues();
  // assuming row 1 contains our column headings
  var header = data.shift(); 

  // get the index of column named 'M' (Assume header names are unique)
  var draftCreatedColIdx = header.indexOf(MERGE_STATUS_COL);

  var object = {  
    // create a new object for next row using the header as a key
    var nextRowObject = header.reduce(function(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex) {
      accumulator[currentValue] = row[currentIndex];      
      return accumulator;
    }, {}) // Use {} here rather than initialAccumulatorValue
    return nextRowObject;

  // loop through all the rows of data
  object.forEach(function(row, rowIdx){

    // only create drafts if mail merge status cell is blank
    if (row[MERGE_STATUS_COL] === ''){

        var msgObj = fillInTemplateFromObject_(emailTemplate, row);
        var attachment_id = "File Name";

        // split the values taken from cell into array
        var pdfName = row[attachment_id].split(', ');
          // initialize files as empty array
          var files = []; 

          // run through cell values and perform search
          for(var j in pdfName){ 
            // perform the search,results is a FileIterator
            var results = DriveApp.getFilesByName(pdfName[j]); 
            // interate through files found and add to attachment results
            while(results.hasNext()) {
        // add files to array

        // @see
        GmailApp.createDraft(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {htmlBody: msgObj.html, attachments: files});
        // create a confirmation phrase in the first column
        sheet.getRange("A" + (rowIdx + 2)).setValue("DRAFT");    

 * Get a Gmail draft message by matching the subject line.
 * @param {string} subject_line to search for draft message
 * @return {object} containing the plain and html message body
function getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(subject_line) {
  try {
    // get drafts
    var drafts = GmailApp.getDrafts();
    // filter the drafts that match subject line
    var draft = drafts.filter(subjectFilter_(subject_line))[0];
    // get the message object
    var msg = draft.getMessage();
    return {text: msg.getPlainBody(), html:msg.getBody()};
  } catch(e) {
    throw new Error("Oops - can't find Gmail draft");

 * Filter draft objects with the matching subject linemessage by matching the subject line.
 * @param {string} subject_line to search for draft message
 * @return {object} GmailDraft object
function subjectFilter_(subject_line){
  return function(element) {
    if (element.getMessage().getSubject() === subject_line) {
      return element;

 * Fill HTML string with data object.
 * @param {string} template string containing {{}} markers which are replaced with data
 * @param {object} data object used to replace {{}} markers
 * @return {object} message replaced with data
 * H/T
function fillInTemplateFromObject_(template, data) {
  // convert object to string for simple find and replace
  template = JSON.stringify(template);
  // Search for all the variables to be replaced, for instance {{Column name}}
  var templateVars = template.match(/{{([^}]+)}}/g);

  // Replace variables from the template with the actual values from the data object.
  // If no value is available, replace with the empty string.
  for (var i = 0; i < templateVars.length; ++i) {
    // strip out {{ }} 
    var variableData = data[templateVars[i].substring(2, templateVars[i].length - 2)];
    template = template.replace(templateVars[i], variableData || "");
  // convert back to object
  return JSON.parse(template);


在尝试解决此问题时,我发现了一个使用continuationToken的简单script,这样做绝对不会超出限制。 我的目标是尝试在自己的脚本中使用相同的原理,并处理数十行。很遗憾,到目前为止,我还没有运气,需要一些帮助。这是我发现的脚本代码:

function onOpen() {
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu("List Drive files").addItem('Start', 'start').addToUi();

function start() {
  var ui = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('ui');
  return SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showSidebar(ui);

function getDriveFiles(continuationToken) {
  if(continuationToken) {
    var files = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(continuationToken);
  else {
    var files = DriveApp.getFiles();
  var i = 0;
  while (files.hasNext() && i < 10) {
    var file =;
    SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().appendRow([file.getName(), file.getUrl()]);
    if(i == 10) {
      return files.getContinuationToken();


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div style="text-align:center; margin-top:10px">
<div>Files processed:</div>
<div id="nbOfFilesProcessed">0</div>
<button id="startButton" class="blue" onclick="start()">Start</button>
<div class="secondary">Close the sidebar to stop the script.</div>

function start() {
  document.getElementById("startButton").disabled = true;;
function onSuccess(continuationToken){
  // If server function returned a continuationToken it means the task is not complete
  // so ask the server to process a new batch.
  if(continuationToken) {
    var nbOfFilesProcessedEl = document.getElementById("nbOfFilesProcessed");
    nbOfFilesProcessedEl.innerHTML = parseInt(nbOfFilesProcessedEl.innerHTML) + 10;;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 编辑函数的触发方式:您将必须使用HTML ui元素在其中运行javascript。
  • 编辑while循环,以便在达到批次限制时具有return语句。
  • 在HTML ui元素中创建一个处理createDrafts函数成功的Javascript函数,并在返回continuationToken的情况下递归调用它。




- -
//Creates the menu item "Mail Merge" for user to run scripts on drop-down//
function onOpen(e) {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  ui.createMenu('Mail Merge')
  .addItem('? Create Drafts', 'openDialog').addToUi(); 
function openDialog() {
  // Display a modal dialog box with custom HtmlService content.
  var htmlOutput = HtmlService
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Create Drafts');
- Dialog.html -
<!-- The UI will be very similar to the one you found, I will keep only the strictly necessary statements for this example -->
<button id="startButton" onclick="startBatch()">Start</button>

function startBatch() {;
function onSuccess(continuationToken){
  // If server function returned a continuationToken it means the task is not complete
  // so ask the server to process a new batch.
  if(continuationToken) {;


function createDrafts(continuationToken) {
 var batchLimit = 10;
 // ...
 // run through cell values and perform search
 for(var j in pdfName){ 
     // perform the search,results is a FileIterator
     if (continuationToken) {
         var results = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(continuationToken);
     } else {
         var results = DriveApp.getFilesByName(pdfName[j]);
     // interate through files found and add to attachment results
     let i = 0;
     while(results.hasNext() && i<batchLimit) {
         // add files to array
         if (i === batchLimit) {
             return results.getContinuationToken();





Client Side API

Cache Service

Apps Script UI