
时间:2020-04-25 15:38:27

标签: excel vba

需要一些指导,我在Excel中具有按层次结构排列的数据。 *或0基本上是一些数据,而x基本上是空单元格,但它表示为子数据。我想分配一个按钮,并隐藏所有数据1st,并从根到子逐个显示。

类比:假设您必须看看驱动器。因此,第一,我们将访问根文件夹并列出项目。现在,从此列表中,我们将访问第一项,仅列出第二级子项。创建新列表后,我们将返回并访问第二个根项,并列出其子项(仅第二层)。我们可以继续到最后一个根文件夹。完成此操作后,我们将在第3 ... 4th ... 5th..nth个级别中执行相同的操作。

    x   *       
    x   *       
    x   x   *   
    x   x   x   *
    x   *       
    x   *       
    x   0       
    x   0       
    x   x   0   

Output step0:
Hide all the row + column

Output step0.5:
* (root/1st column - 1st element excluding x Basically Column A)

Output step1:
* (root/1st column - 1st element excluding x)
0 (root/1st column - 2nd element excluding x)

Output step n:
* (root/1st column - 1st element excluding x)
0 (root/1st column - 2nd element excluding x)
y (root/1st column - n-1 element excluding x)
z (root/1st column - n element excluding x)

Output step1:

Output step2:
x   *

Output step3:
x   *
x   *

输出步骤4: *
X * X * X * 0


enter image description here

Output step7:
data will keep expending till the same as Input data.

Output Step8:
Data will keep shrinking in reverse order. like step 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -1.


Sub Hide_Next()

Dim a As Range
Dim b As Range
'Need help with dynamic range. 

    For Each a In Range("A1:A23").Cells
        For Each b In Range("B1:B23").Cells
        If a.Value <> Empty And b.Vaule = Empty Then
                a.EntireRow.Hidden = True
        End If
        Next b
    Next a

End Sub


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DoAStep是您必须链接到按钮的宏。 exp_rng是包含要扩展的“结构”的范围。您可以使用了解的结构信息编写代码,使VBA知道范围是什么。

当所有行都隐藏时,您知道必须扩展;当所有行都可见时,您知道必须回来将其隐藏;而当您处于中间步骤时,您便知道必须执行的操作只记得之前的步骤在做什么。 然后,我在模块作用域中使用is_expanding变量:在DoAStepp调用之间它的值保持存储。但是,当您打开excel文件时,is_expanding的默认设置为False。如果要存储扩展/缩小方向,则必须将其存储在单元格值中。

Dim exp_rng As Range
Dim is_expanding As Boolean

Sub DoAStep()
    'You can set Range one time for all if you want and you can also 'calculate' it without writing 'A1:D11' in the code
    Set exp_rng = Range("A1:D11")

    'Direction engine: when expanding calls expand-step.
    'If the expand step doesn't find anything to expand then reverse the direction
    'Same for reduction

    If is_expanding Then
        If Not ExpandOneStep Then
            is_expanding = False
        End If
        If Not ReduceOneStep Then
            is_expanding = True
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Function ExpandOneStep() As Boolean

    Dim i_row As Long, i_col As Long

    'Loop through cells, from top to bottom, from left to right
    'exp_rng(i_row, i_col) is the cell I'm looking
    For i_col = 1 To exp_rng.Columns.Count
        For i_row = 1 To exp_rng.Rows.Count

            'When we are expanding we search for hidden cell ( = cells in an hidden row) to unhide
            If exp_rng(i_row, i_col).EntireRow.Hidden = True Then

                'Check if the cell has a value (I'm checking if it's not empty and not "x", you can change with whatever you want
                If Not IsEmpty(exp_rng(i_row, i_col).Value) And exp_rng(i_row, i_col).Value <> "x" Then

                    'Unhide the row and exit the function so that we will not unhide other rows (leaving them for next steps)
                    exp_rng(i_row, i_col).EntireRow.Hidden = False

                    'Exit the function returning TRUE in order to say "I found something to unhide".
                    'When we don't find anything to unhide then we have to change expanding with reducing
                    ExpandOneStep = True
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If

        Next i_row
    Next i_col

    'If the for loop ends then we have not found any row to unhide so we
    'have to switch to 'reducing time' instead of expanding

    ExpandOneStep = False
End Function

Function ReduceOneStep() As Boolean

    Dim i_row As Long, i_col As Long

    'ReduceOneStep is like ExpandOneStep but:
    ' - Loop from right to left, from bottom to top (reverse loop)
    ' - Check for unhidden rows to hide

    For i_row = exp_rng.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
        For i_col = exp_rng.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1

            If exp_rng(i_row, i_col).EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
                If Not IsEmpty(exp_rng(i_row, i_col).Value) And exp_rng(i_row, i_col).Value <> "x" Then
                    exp_rng(i_row, i_col).EntireRow.Hidden = True

                    ReduceOneStep = True
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If

        Next i_col
    Next i_row

    ReduceOneStep = False
End Function