Future<String> getData(String query) async {
print('getdata called');
List<Suburb> suburbs = await model.getSuburbs('au', query);
if (suburbs.length == 1) {
final suburb= suburbs[0];
final database = Provider.of<Database>(context); // My firestore database. When I remove these lines, I get the expected return.
await database.setSuburb(suburb);
return suburb.name;
} else...{return}
Removing the firestore write, gives me the expected return. But when I try to save the data, I don't get anything returned. The write never happens either. So I presume the problem is there or maybe I'm doing something incorrect in the method. I don't get any error logs either...
here is the firestore method:
setSuburb(Suburb suburb)async{
final path = '/voters/$uid/';
final documentReference = Firestore.instance.document(path);
await documentReference.setData({"location.suburb":suburb}, merge: true);
The method gets called by a listener on a `textfield`. This future is the future for the FutureBuilder.
void inputListener() {
if (_controller.text.length == 4) {
query = _controller.text;
setState(() {
future = getData(query);
future: future,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
} else if (snapshot.hasData) {
return (Text(snapshot.data));
return Text('no postcode');