
时间:2020-04-20 19:16:25

标签: flutter

我的注册中有4页,注册完成后有一个主页。我需要跟踪屏幕,以便当用户离开并返回时:他被带到离开应用程序时所在的页面。我已经看到了一些使用SharedPreferences的解决方案,但是我正在使用firebase / firestore和Provider package,所以我想我可以用它来保持状态。我的注册流程为pop / push。我的屏幕是Stateful Widgets。因此,我可以使用initState来保持状态。只是不确定实现此目标的最佳方法...

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




  1. 我知道您很可能不会使用您从评论中看到的这种方法,但是无论如何,此答案是值得的,因为它可以帮助有时发现难以选择状态管理解决方案的其他人





//it contains the states as classes for each page,and each class holds the necessary fields to represent what's happening on that page

part of 'registration_bloc.dart';

abstract class RegistrationState with _$RegistrationState {
  const factory RegistrationState.firstPage({
    //represents first page state
    @required String email,
    @required String password,
    @required String phoneNumber,
      ) = _FirstPage;

  const factory RegistrationState.secondPage(//some params here
      ) = _SecondPage;

  //same for other pages...

  factory RegistrationState.initialState() => RegistrationState.firstPage(//consider initial state to be first page with empty strings
        email: '',
        password: '',
        phoneNumber: '',


//represents all actions that might happen on each page and how you can update states accordingly

part of 'registration_bloc.dart';

abstract class RegistrationEvent with _$RegistrationEvent {
  const factory RegistrationEvent.emailChangedOnFirstPage() = _EmailChangedOnFirstPage;
  const factory RegistrationEvent.passwordChangedOnFirstPage() = _PasswordChangedOnFirstPage;
  const factory RegistrationEvent.phoneChangedOnFirstPage() = _PhoneChangedOnFirstPage;
  const factory RegistrationEvent.submitPressedOnFirstPage() = _SubmitPressedOnFirstPage;
  const factory RegistrationEvent.somethingHappenedOnSecondPage() = _somethingHappenedOnSecondPage;


//place where you save state if app restarts and you turn evvents into states when they are fired from the UI

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'package:hydrated_bloc/hydrated_bloc.dart';

part 'registration_bloc.freezed.dart';
part 'registration_event.dart';
part 'registration_state.dart';

class RegistrationBloc
    extends HydratedBloc<RegistrationEvent, RegistrationState> {
  RegistrationState get initialState =>
      super.initialState ?? RegistrationState.initialState();

  Stream<RegistrationState> mapEventToState(
    RegistrationEvent event,
  ) async* {
    yield* event.map(emailChangedOnFirstPage: (event) async* {
      //TODO yield some state
    }, passwordChangedOnFirstPage: (event) async* {
      //TODO yield some state
    }, phoneChangedOnFirstPage: (event) async* {
      //TODO yield some state
    }, submitPressedOnFirstPage: (event) async* {
      //TODO yield some state
    }, somethingHappenedOnSecondPage: (event) async* {
      //TODO yield some state

  RegistrationState fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    // TODO: get your state before app was killed last time
    return null;

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson(RegistrationState state) {
    // TODO: save your state as json
    return null;