
时间:2020-04-17 11:33:29

标签: r shiny shiny-server shinyapps

我认为这是一个重复的问题(对不起),但是我似乎无法解决此问题。我创建了一个闪亮的应用程序,该应用程序实现了一个随机森林模型(聚会程序包),该程序通过插入符号程序包返回结果,并使用ctree函数可视化条件干扰树。该应用程序在本地可以正常运行。但是,当我尝试发布时,未显示任何输出,并且显示错误“发生错误。请检查您的日志或联系应用作者以进行澄清。” 我在这里缺少什么? >



  • 在本地运行时,本地环境中没有存储任何代码或数据。

  • 所有软件包都通过library()加载。

  • 我通过相对路径df <-read.csv(“ data / df.csv”)加载数据。所有文件都以app.R的形式存储在名为Shinyapp的映射中,文件数据中则以df.csv的形式存储。


#Use dummy dataset in stead of original data
#df <- read.csv("data/df.csv")
#df <- df[df$Taxon %in% names(table(df$Taxon))[table(df$Taxon) >= 50],]

#Create dummy dataset
df  <- data.frame(Sample = 1:500, Taxon = paste0("spec", rbinom(n = 500, 2, 0.5)), SO4 = rnorm(500, 300, 50), pH = rnorm(500, 7, 1), NO3 = rnorm(500, 10, 3))

ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Random Forest classification"),
    selectInput(inputId = "Spec", label = "Select species:", unique(df$Taxon)),
    selectInput(inputId = "NAN", label = "Select how to use data:", c("All data (Also NAs)", "Complete data (No NAs)")),
    numericInput(inputId = "SO4", label = "Choose value for SO4 (mg/l)", value = median(df$SO4, na.rm = T), min = 0, max = 15000),
    numericInput(inputId = "pH", label = "Choose value for pH", value = median(df$pH, na.rm = T), min = 5, max = 10),
    numericInput(inputId = "NO3", label = "Choose value for NO3 (mg/l)", value = median(df$NO3, na.rm = T), min = 0, max = 50),
    h3("Validation parameters"),
    h3("Voting percentage"),
    h5("Note that every time the output of the model is different from
       the previous. Samples with the absence of species are more
       prevalent. Therefore, Every time the code is run, samples where a species
       was present are the same. However, samples with absences are randomly 
       selected in equall amount and combines this with samples where the. 
       species was present Further, the random forest model randomly creates 
       trees by bootstrapping the dataset a 100 times. Each time a different 
       model is created. This model is a course estimation, since many more 
       important factors are absent. Validation of the model is performed by 
       training the model on 75% of the dataset and validating on the other 25%. 
       The predicting model is based on the total dataset. The Error: 
       replacement has 1 row, data has 0, occurs when the data for a species
       has no measurements if complete data (without NAs) is used.")),

server <- function(input,output){

  #Create model dataset
  modpred           <- reactive({
    present         <- df[df$Taxon == input$Spec,]
    present$Spec    <- 1
    df1             <- df[!duplicated(df$Sample),]
    df1             <- df1[!df1$Sample %in% present$Sample,]

    if(input$NAN == "Complete data (No NAs)"){
      present <- na.omit(present)
      df1     <- na.omit(df1)}

    if((nrow(df)-nrow(present)) > nrow(present)){
      absent        <- df1[sample(1:nrow(df1), nrow(present), replace = F),]}
      absent        <- df1[sample(1:nrow(df1), nrow(present), replace = T),]}
    absent$Spec     <- 0
    model.data      <- rbind(present, absent)
    model.data$Spec <- as.factor(model.data$Spec)

    #Select 75% as training data
    prestrain       <- present[sample(1:nrow(present), floor(nrow(absent)*0.75), replace = F),]
    abstrain        <- absent[sample(1:nrow(absent), floor(nrow(present)*0.75), replace = F),]
    train.data      <- rbind(prestrain, abstrain)
    train.data$Spec <- as.factor(train.data$Spec)

    #Select the other 25% as validation data
    val.data        <- model.data[!rownames(model.data) %in% rownames(train.data),]

    #Create nice conditional interference tree on all data
    ct              <- party::ctree(Spec~SO4+pH+NO3, data = model.data)

    #Train and validate model
    train.model     <- party::cforest(Spec~SO4+pH+NO3, data=train.data, controls = party::cforest_classical(mtry = 1, ntree = 100))
    validation.mod  <- predict(train.model, newdata = val.data)
    conf.mat.val    <- table(val.data$Spec, predict(train.model, newdata = val.data))
    val.results     <- caret::confusionMatrix(conf.mat.val)
    sumval          <- paste0("AUC=", round(val.results$overall[1],2), " (LCI=", round(val.results$overall[3],2),"; ",
                              "HCI=", round(val.results$overall[4],2), "), ",
                              "Cohen's kappa=", round(val.results$overall[2],2), ", ",
                              "n-validation=", nrow(val.data), ", ", "n-training=", nrow(train.data), ", ", "n-total (model)=", nrow(model.data))

    #Extract relative importance parameters
    relimp          <- as.data.frame(party::varimp(train.model))
    relimp          <- cbind.data.frame(rownames(relimp), relimp)
    colnames(relimp)<-c("Parameter", "Relative importance")
    rownames(relimp)<- NULL
    relimp[,2]      <- relimp$`Relative importance`/sum(relimp$`Relative importance`)*100
    relimp          <- relimp[order(-relimp$`Relative importance`),]

    #Apply model on data input user interface
    model           <- party::cforest(Spec~SO4+pH+NO3, data=model.data, controls = party::cforest_classical(mtry = 1, ntree = 100))
    pred.data       <- setNames(data.frame(as.numeric(input$SO4), as.numeric(input$pH), as.numeric(input$NO3)), c("SO4", "pH", "NO3"))
    pred            <- predict(model, newdata = pred.data, type = "prob")
    prob            <- paste0("Voting percentage (Probability of presence) = ", round(pred$`1`[2]*100,0),"%", ",", 
                              " Majority vote indicates = ", ifelse(pred$`1`[2] > 0.5, "Present", "Absent"))

    combo <- list(Probability = prob, Validation = sumval, Tree = ct, Importance = relimp)})

  output$Votingperc <- renderText({
    combo <- modpred()

  output$Validation <- renderText({
    combo <- modpred()

  output$Imp <- renderPlot({
    combo <- modpred()
    bar   <- combo$Imp
    barplot(bar$`Relative importance`,
            names.arg = bar$Parameter, ylab = "Relative importance (%)")})

  output$Tree <- renderPlot({
    combo <- modpred()
    plot(combo$Tree, inner_panel=node_inner(combo$Tree, pval = FALSE))})




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