本身,borg key
及其子命令以及borg benchmark
及其单数子命令定义了补全。但是,我现在正在尝试为borg init
当我在borg init
命令下定义两个参数以使用相同的描述文本时,问题仅出现在 上。即-e
compdef _borg borg
function _borg {
local line ret=1
local -a argus
local logs="--critical --error --warning --debug --info -v --verbose"
"(*)"{-h,--help}"[Show help and exit]"
"(*)-V[Show Borg version and exit]"
"($logs)--critical[Work on log level CRITICAL]"
"($logs)--error[Work on log level ERROR]"
"($logs)--warning[Work on log level WARNING (default)]"
"($logs)"{--info,-v,--verbose}"[Work on log level INFO]"
"($logs)--debug[Enable debug output; log level DEBUG]"
{-p,--progress}"[Show progress]"
"--log-json[Output one JSON object per log line instead of formatted text]"
"--show-version[Show/log borg version]"
"--show-rc[Show/log returncode]"
"--consider-part-files[treat part files like normal files (e.g. to list/extract them)]"
"--lock-wait[Wait at most SECONDS for acquiring a repository/cache lock (default 1)]:SECONDS:()"
"--umask[Set umask to M (local and remote; default 0077)]:M (umask value, e.g. 0077):()"
"--remote-path[Use PATH as borg executable on the remote (default: \"borg\")]:PATH:()"
"--remote-ratelimit[Set remote network upload rate limit in kiByte/s (default: 0=unlimited)]:RATE:()"
"--debug-profile[Write execution profile in Borg format into FILE.]:FILE:_files"
"--rsh[Use this command to connect to the \"borg serve\" process (default: \"ssh\")]:RSH:()"
"1: :((init\:\"Initialize a new repository\" \
create\:\"Create a new archive\" \
extract\:\"Extract the contents of an archive\" \
check\:\"Verifies consistency of a repository and its archives\" \
rename\:\"Renames an archive in a repository\" \
list\:\"Lists contents of a repository or archive\" \
diff\:\"Finds differences between archives\" \
delete\:\"Deletes an archive or an entire repository (and its cache)\" \
prune\:\"Prunes a repository\" \
info\:\"Shows info about a repository or archive\" \
mount\:\"Mounts an archive as a FUSE filesystem\" \
unmount\:\"Unmounts a FUSE filesystem mounted with \\\"borg mount\\\"\" \
key\:\"Keyword for key-related functions\" \
upgrade\:\"Upgrade a local Borg repository\" \
recreate\:\"EXPERIMENTAL: Recreates contents of existing archives\" \
export-tar\:\"Creates a tarball from an archive\" \
serve\:\"Starts repository server process. Not usually used manually.\" \
config\:\"Gets and sets options in local repository and cache config files\" \
with-lock\:\"Executes another command with the repository lock held\" \
break-lock\:\"Breaks the repository and cache locks\" \
benchmark\:\"Keyword for the benchmark function\"))" \
_arguments -w -s -S -C $argus[@] && ret=0
case $line[1] in
return ret
function _borg_benchmark {
# stuff
function _borg_benchmark_crud {
# stuff again
function _borg_init {
local line ret=1
local -a argus
"-t[This is a test]"
"--test[This is a test]"
"(--append-only)--append-only[Create an append-only mode repository]"
_arguments -w -s -S -C $argus[@] && ret=0
return ret
function _borg_key {
# key stuff
function _borg_key_changepassphrase {
# stuff
function _borg_key_export {
# more stuff
function _borg_key_import {
# other stuff
如果我尝试使用此设置来对borg init -
$ borg init -
Completing option
-- Create an append-only mode repository
-- This is a test
-- Create an append-only mode repository
-- This is a test
-- Create an append-only mode repository
-- This is a test
-- Create an append-only mode repository
-- This is a test
完成似乎忘记了选项卡,并重复四次。如果我将--test[This is a test]
中的--test[This is another test]
$ borg init -
Completing option
--append-only -- Create an append-only mode repository
--test -- This is another test
-t -- This is a test