Customfieldvalue表与jiraissue表链接,Customfield表与customfieldvalue表链接,而customfieldoption表与customfieldvalue表链接。 某些customfield值将参考customfieldvalue存储在customfieldoption表下。
Id Pkey
10001 PICOIN
10002 ATTEST
10003 DEVOPS
10004 DCP
Table2: jiraissue
Id Project Issuenum Summary Issuestatus Issuetype Resolution Priority Created date
12000 10004 30 Test 18004 19002 20002 3 "2019-03-24 23:13:32.96+00"
12001 10002 78 Testing 18001 19004 20003 5 "2019-03-13 14:59:50.87+00"
12002 10000 89 PDF submission 18002 19001 20000 4 "2019-05-17 19:04:03.93+00"
12003 10003 20 Screenshot 18003 19003 20004 1 "2019-05-23 14:03:05.894+00"
12004 10001 65 Sorting 18000 19000 20001 5 "2019-03-24 23:33:35.419+00"
Table3: Customfieldvalue
Id Issue Customfield stringvalue
16000 12003 15000 "10504"
16001 12001 15004 "puppalr"
16002 12004 15003 "10106"
16003 12002 15001 “Global”
16004 12000 15002 “”
Table4: Customfield
Id Cfname
15000 Requirement
15001 Approvals
15002 Category
15003 Team
15004 Name
Table5: label
Id Issue label
17000 12003 Payroll
17001 12002 Pcc
17002 12004 Iat
17003 12001 UAT
17004 12000 AWS
Table6: Issuestatus
Id Pname
18000 ToDo
18001 Open
18002 In Progress
18003 Done
18004 Completed
Table7: Issuetype
Id pname
19000 Task
19001 Bug
19002 Epic
19003 Story
19004 Sub-task
Table8: Resolution
Id Pname
20000 Done
20001 Won’t Do
20002 Duplicate
20003 Declined
20004 Cannot Reproduce
Table9: Priority
Id Pname
1 Highest
2 High
3 Low
4 Lowest
5 Blocker
Table10: Projectversion
Id Project Vname
11000 1150 FY20_Q1
11001 1152 FY20_Q2
11002 1167 FY19_Q3
11003 1189 FY19_Q4
11004 1190 FY19_Q1
Table11: nodeassociation
Source_node_id Sink_node_id source_node_entity association_type
12000 11004 "Issue" "IssueFixVersion"
12042 11056 "Issue" "IssueComponent"
12004 11001 "Issue" "IssueFixVersion"
12056 11045 "Issue" "IssueComponent"
12078 11002 "Issue" "IssueFixVersion"
Table12: Cutomfieldoption
Id Customvalue
10106 PSS
10207 UAT
10504 QA
10604 FIT
PostgreSQL Query:
select jp.PKey || '-' || ji.IssueNum as IssueKey, ji.Summary, cf.cfname as Customfield, cfv.stringvalue as Value, array_to_string(array_agg(l.label), ',') as label, x.fixversion,i.pname as Status, h.pname as Type, r.pname as resolution, p.pname as priority, to_char(ji.created, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as created, to_char(ji.updated, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as updated, to_char(ji.resolutiondate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as Resolved
from project jp
JOIN jiraissue ji ON jp.id = ji.project and jp.pkey ='DCP'
JOIN customfieldvalue cfv ON cfv.issue = ji.id and ji.issuenum = '30'
Left Outer JOIN customfield cf ON cf.id = cfv.customfield
JOIN customfieldoption cfo ON cfv.stringvalue = cfo.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN label l on ji.id = l.issue
JOIN issuestatus i on i.id = ji.issuestatus
JOIN issuetype h on h.id = ji.issuetype
LEFT OUTER JOIN resolution r ON r.id = ji.resolution JOIN priority p ON p.id = ji.priority LEFT OUTER JOIN (select issuenum, IssueId,array_to_string(array_agg(version), ', ') as fixversion, project
from (SELECT (SELECT (SELECT pkey FROM project WHERE project.ID = jiraissue.project) from jiraissue WHERE jiraissue.ID = nodeassociation.source_node_id) AS project,
(SELECT issuenum from jiraissue WHERE jiraissue.ID = nodeassociation.source_node_id) AS issuenum,
(SELECT id from jiraissue WHERE jiraissue.ID = nodeassociation.source_node_id) AS IssueId,
(SELECT vname FROM projectversion WHERE projectversion.ID = nodeassociation.sink_node_id) AS version FROM nodeassociation
JOIN projectversion ON nodeassociation.sink_node_id = projectversion.ID
WHERE source_node_entity='Issue' and association_type='IssueFixVersion') a
group by a.issuenum, a.project, a.IssueId) x ON x.project = jp.pkey and x.IssueId= ji.id
group by jp.id, ji.id, jp.PKey ,ji.IssueNum , ji.Summary, ji.Description, cf.cfname, cfv.stringvalue ,ji.Assignee , ji.reporter, x.fixversion, ji.issuestatus, i.pname, h.pname, r.pname, p.pname, ji.created, ji.updated, ji.resolutiondate
Expected Result:
Issuekey Summary Fixversion Label Type Status Priority Customfield value created Resolution
DCP-30 Test FY20_Q1 UAT Epic Open High Team, Category, Name PSS,””, puppalr 2019-03-24 Done