
时间:2011-05-24 15:01:09

标签: string clojure


mikera提供的其中一个解决方案似乎是一个更好的算法。我在Clojure中实现了它(如下),并将它与我以前的算法进行对时。在100次运行中,新的(41.475 msecs与19.128 msecs)。我必须在我的新实现中做一些愚蠢的事情。

(defn replace-templates
  "Return a String with each occurrence of a substring of the form {key}
   replaced with the corresponding value from a map parameter.
   @param str the String in which to do the replacements
   @param m a map of keyword->value"
  [text m]
  (let [builder (StringBuilder.)
        text-length (.length text)]
    (loop [current-index 0]
      (if (>= current-index text-length)
        (.toString builder)
        (let [open-brace (.indexOf text "{" current-index)]
          (if (< open-brace 0)
            (.toString (.append builder (.substring text current-index)))
            (let [close-brace (.indexOf text "}" open-brace)]
              (if (< close-brace 0)
                (.toString (.append builder (.substring text current-index)))
                  (.append builder (.substring text current-index open-brace))
                  (.append builder (let [key (keyword (.substring text (inc open-brace) close-brace))
                                         replacement (m key)]
                                     (if (nil? replacement) "" replacement)))
                  (recur (inc close-brace)))))))))))


(use 'clojure.test)

(deftest test-replace-templates
  (is (= (replace-templates "this is a test" {:foo "FOO"})
        "this is a test"))
  (is (= (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test" {:foo "FOO"})
        "this is a FOO test"))
  (is (= (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar}" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test BAR"))
  (is (= (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar} 42" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test BAR 42"))
  (is (= (replace-templates "this is a {foo} test {bar" {:foo "FOO" :bar "BAR"})
        "this is a FOO test {bar")))

; user=> Ran 1 tests containing 5 assertions.
; user=> 0 failures, 0 errors.
; user=> {:type :summary, :test 1, :pass 5, :fail 0, :error 0}


(time (dotimes [n 100] (replace-templates
  "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, {foo} mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. {bar} Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis {baz} venenatis {foo}
lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in {bar} neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo." {:foo "HELLO" :bar "GOODBYE" :baz "FORTY-TWO"})))

; user=> "Elapsed time: 41.475 msecs"
; user=> nil


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我认为你受到了反思。 *warn-on-reflection*是你的朋友。这里有一些criterium的测试。

replace-templates-original:         56.4us
replace-templates-original-hinted:   9.4us
replace-templates-new:             131.4us
replace-templates-new-hinted:        6.3us
replace-templates-very-new:          7.3us

这是replace-templates-very-new,这是我为高尔夫做的一个版本。 :)

(defn replace-templates-very-new
  [^String text m]
  (let [builder (StringBuilder.)]
    (loop [text text]
        (zero? (count text))
        (.toString builder)

        (.startsWith text "{")
        (let [brace (.indexOf text "}")]
          (if (neg? brace)
            (.toString (.append builder text))
              (.append builder (get m (keyword (subs text 1 brace))))
              (recur (subs text (inc brace))))))

        (let [brace (.indexOf text "{")]
          (if (neg? brace)
            (.toString (.append builder text))
              (.append builder (subs text 0 brace))
              (recur (subs text brace)))))))))


UPDATE :支持非键括号括起值("this is a {not-a-key-{foo}-in-the-map} test" => "this is a {not-a-key-FOO-in-the-map} test"),允许它在Java代码生成器中使用,其中非键括号内容很重要:-)

(defn replace-templates-even-newer
  "Return a String with each occurrence of a substring of the form {key}
   replaced with the corresponding value from a map parameter.
   @param str the String in which to do the replacements
   @param m a map of keyword->value
   @thanks kotarak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6112534/
  [^String text m]
  (let [builder (StringBuilder.)]
    (loop [text text]
        (zero? (count text))
        (.toString builder)

        (.startsWith text "{")
        (let [brace (.indexOf text "}")]
          (if (neg? brace)
            (.toString (.append builder text))
            (if-let [[_ replacement] (find m (keyword (subs text 1 brace)))]
                (.append builder replacement)
                (recur (subs text (inc brace))))
                (.append builder "{")
                (recur (subs text 1))))))

        (let [brace (.indexOf text "{")]
          (if (neg? brace)
            (.toString (.append builder text))
              (.append builder (subs text 0 brace))
              (recur (subs text brace)))))))))

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我写了一些Clojure代码(https://gist.github.com/3729307),允许将任何地图值插入到模板中,可能是最快的方式(见下文) IF 模板已知在编译时。



; renderer-fn is defined in https://gist.github.com/3729307
(time (dotimes [n 100] ((renderer-fn
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque
elit nisi, egestas et tincidunt eget, " (:foo %) " mattis non erat. Aenean ut
elit in odio vehicula facilisis. Vestibulum quis elit vel nulla
interdum facilisis ut eu sapien. Nullam cursus fermentum
sollicitudin. Donec non congue augue. " (:bar %) " Vestibulum et magna quis
arcu ultricies consectetur auctor vitae urna. Fusce hendrerit
facilisis volutpat. Ut lectus augue, mattis " (:baz %) " venenatis " (:foo %)
"lobortis sed, varius eu massa. Ut sit amet nunc quis velit hendrerit
bibendum in eget nibh. Cras blandit nibh in odio suscipit eget aliquet
tortor placerat. In tempor ullamcorper mi. Quisque egestas, metus eu
venenatis pulvinar, sem urna blandit mi, in lobortis augue sem ut
dolor. Sed in " (:bar %) " neque sapien, vitae lacinia arcu. Phasellus mollis
blandit commodo.") {:foo "HELLO" :bar "GOODBYE" :baz "FORTY-TWO"})))

; => "Elapsed time: 1.371 msecs"

答案 2 :(得分:0)

说实话,您的解决方案看起来更像Clojure服装中的Java。 Clojure已经具有相当灵活的clojure.string/replace函数,该函数能够满足您的需求。另外,您的文档字符串与Clojure约定不匹配。我建议像这样:

(defn replace-templates
  "Returns a string with each occurrence of the form `{key}` in a
  `template` replaced with the corresponding value from a map
  `m`. Keys of `m` are expected to be keywords."
  [template m]
  (clojure.string/replace template #"\{([^{]+?)\}"
    (fn [[orig key]] (or (get m (keyword key)) orig))))


如果您真正关心每微秒,则可能应该研究宏方法。如果这是不可能的,因为例如您正在从文件中加载模板,那么无论如何,I / O将是一个更大的问题。同样在这种情况下,我建议您研究Selmer模板系统,该模板系统的语法略有不同(用双花括号代替单个大括号进行替换),但在功能上也更加灵活。