
时间:2011-05-24 12:40:29

标签: c# .net generics


class SomeClass<T, int> { ..... }

也可以强制某些类型T为数字并支持基本运算符,如+, - ,*和/。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

因为泛型与C ++模板不同;允许部分专业化。


public class Generic<T, U> {}

public class Generic2<T> : Generic<T, int> {}


至于你要求的限制,不,你不能。但是,您可以限制值类型(当然where T : struct);但这并不是真正限制“数字”。

运算符不包含在类的合同中(通过基类或接口),因为运算符是静态定义的 ,对于表达式a op b,可能会出现在T(a)T(b)两种类型中的任何一种。


但是,您可以定义自己的合同 - 就像这样(这里的天真和完全不完整的实现,只是为了演示,in a wall of code(tm)):


public abstract class MyNumeric
  public abstract object ValueObject { get; }
  public abstract MyNumeric Add(MyNumeric other);
  public abstract MyNumeric Substract(MyNumeric other);
  public abstract MyNumeric Multiply(MyNumeric other);
  public abstract MyNumeric Divide(MyNumeric other);

  public static MyNumeric operator +(MyNumeric a, MyNumeric b)
    return a.Add(b);
  public static MyNumeric operator -(MyNumeric a, MyNumeric b)
    return a.Substract(b);
  public static MyNumeric operator *(MyNumeric a, MyNumeric b)
    return a.Multiply(b);
  public static MyNumeric operator /(MyNumeric a, MyNumeric b)
    return a.Divide(b);

public abstract class MyNumeric<T> : MyNumeric
  where T : struct
  public override object ValueObject { get{ return this.Value;}}
  public new T Value { get; private set; }
  public MyNumeric(T value) { Value = value; }

public class MyInt : MyNumeric<int>
  public MyInt(int value) : base(value) { }
  public override MyNumeric Add(MyNumeric other)
    //could be really crafty here and use an interface instead that
    //gives access to the Value part only - that way you could
    //have MyDouble, for example, implement INumeric<int> explicitly 
    //via a c# explicit conversion.
    MyNumeric<int> otherInt = other as MyNumeric<int>;
    if (otherInt == null)
      throw new ArgumentException(
        "Need to handle numeric promotion/demotion for all types", "other");
    return new MyInt(Value + otherInt.Value);
  public override MyNumeric Divide(MyNumeric other)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
  public override MyNumeric Multiply(MyNumeric other)
    throw new NotImplementedException();
  public override MyNumeric Substract(MyNumeric other)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

public class MyGeneric<TNumeric> where TNumeric : MyNumeric
  public TNumeric WillNowCompile(TNumeric a, TNumeric b)
    //cast is still required on the result.
    //however - you can set the return type to MyNumeric instead if you want.
    return (TNumeric)(a + b);

  public TNumeric AnotherOne<TNumeric2>(TNumeric a, TNumeric2 b)
    where TNumeric2 : MyNumeric
    return (TNumeric)(a / b);

正如我在代码中所说,您必须考虑如何处理int + double等情况。但是可以用它作为起点来完成。

答案 1 :(得分:2)




答案 2 :(得分:0)


class MyClass<T>  where T : IEquatable<T>, IComparable<T>
