二进制搜索SortedList的键<k,v =“”> </k,>

时间:2011-05-23 19:16:52

标签: c# search performance sortedlist

我需要为线性插值编写一些代码,我试图找出一种最有效的方法来搜索SortedList<K, V>的键,以查找围绕我的目标键的上下键。

SortedList<int, double> xyTable = new SortedList<int, double>()
    {1, 10}, {2, 20}, {3, 30}, {4,40}

double targetX = 3.5;



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


How to perform a binary search on IList<T>?

答案 1 :(得分:5)

在我的情况下,源SortedList没有太大变化,因为它被用作查找表。因此,在这种情况下,将SortedList转换为List<T>一次是有意义的。之后,使用List<T> ...

double targetX = 3.5;

// Assume keys are doubles, may need to convert to doubles if required here.
// The below line should only be performed sparingly as it is an O(n) operation.
// In my case I only do this once, as the list is unchanging.
List<double> keys = xyTable.Keys.ToList();

int ipos = keys.BinarySearch(targetX);

if (ipos >= 0)
    // exact target found at position "ipos"
    // Exact key not found: BinarySearch returns negative when the 
    // exact target is not found, which is the bitwise complement 
    // of the next index in the list larger than the target.
    ipos = ~ipos;
    if (ipos >= 0 && ipos < keys.Count)
        if (ipos > 0)
            // target is between positions "ipos-1" and "ipos"
            // target is below position "ipos"
        // target is above position "ipos"

答案 2 :(得分:2)


SortedList对象的元素按键按照创建SortedList时指定的特定IComparer实现进行排序,或者根据键本身提供的IComparable实现进行排序。 索引序列基于排序顺序。添加元素时,会以正确的排序顺序将其插入到SortedList中,并且索引会相应地进行调整。删除元素后,索引也会相应调整。因此,在SortedList中添加或删除元素时,特定键/值对的索引可能会更改。

*****此方法使用二进制搜索算法;因此,此方法是O(log n)操作,其中n是Count。*****

从.NET Framework 2.0开始,此方法使用集合的对象的项目上的Equals和CompareTo方法来确定项是否存在。在早期版本的.NET Framework中,通过对集合中对象的item参数使用Equals和CompareTo方法来进行此确定。



答案 3 :(得分:1)

public class Bounds
    int lower;
    int upper;

    public Bounds(int lower, int upper)
       this.lower = lower;
       this.upper = upper;

public Bounds BinarySearch(List<int> keys, double target)
    // lower boundary case returns the smallest key as the lower and upper bounds
    if (target < keys[0])
        return new Bounds(0, 0);

    else if (target < keys[1])
        return new Bounds(0, 1);

    // upper boundary case returns the largest key as the lower and upper bounds
    else if (target > keys[keys.Length - 1])
        return new Bounds(keys.Length - 1, keys.Length - 1);

    else if (target > keys[keys.Length - 2])
        return new Bounds(keys.Length - 2, keys.Length - 1);

        return BinarySearch(keys, target, 0, keys.Length - 1);


// 'keys' is a List storing all of the keys from your SortedList.
public Bounds BinarySearch(List<int> keys, double target, int lower, int upper)
    int middle = (upper + lower)/2;

    // target is equal to one of the keys
    if (keys[middle] == target)
        return new Bounds(middle - 1, middle + 1);

    else if (keys[middle] < target && keys[middle + 1] > target)
        return new Bounds(middle, middle + 1);

    else if (keys[middle] > target && keys[middle - 1] < target)
        return new Bounds(middle - 1, middle);

    if (list[middle] < target)
         return BinarySearch(list, target, lower, upper/2 - 1);

    if (list[middle] > target)
         return BinarySearch(list, target, upper/2 + 1, upper);
