private static boolean haveBeen(int k, int t,ArrayList <int[]> arr, int i){
if(!(i==arr.size ())) {
if (arr.get (i)[0] == k && arr.get (i)[1] == t)
return true;
return (haveBeen (k, t, arr, i + 1));
return false;
中的数组都填充了(填充的)int [2]。 (尝试遍历数组以查看k
答案 0 :(得分:0)
//prince needs to catch villain in shortest path from initial coordinates i,j, in
//square matrix of non negative ints .Can move to adjacent squares if
//-2<(square-adjacent square)<3. returns -1 if no path exists. villain is -1.
public static int prince(int[][] drm, int i, int j){
ArrayList<int[]> firstSquare = new ArrayList<int[]>();
int[] currentCoordinates = {i,j};
firstSquare.add (currentCoordinates);
int returnValue = recursePrince (drm,i,j,0,0,firstSquare) ;
if (returnValue == drm.length*drm.length)
return -1;
return returnValue;
private static int recursePrince(int[][] drm, int i, int j, int nextSquareX, int nextSquareY, ArrayList <int[]> visitedSquares) {
int minPathLength=drm.length*drm.length;
int[] currentCoordinates = {i,j};
visitedSquares.add (currentCoordinates);
ArrayList<int[]> visitedSquaresCopy = (ArrayList<int[]>) visitedSquares.clone ();
if (drm[nextSquareX][nextSquareY]==-1) //exit condition
return 0;
if (drm.length > i+1)//go right
if (isLegal (drm[i][j], drm[i + 1][j]) && !(haveBeen (i + 1, j, visitedSquaresCopy, 0))) {
minPathLength = Math.min (recursePrince (drm, i, j, i + 1, j, visitedSquaresCopy) + 1, minPathLength);
} if (i-1 > -1)//go left
if (isLegal (drm[i][j], drm[i - 1][j]) && !(haveBeen (i -1, j, visitedSquaresCopy, 0)))
minPathLength = Math.min (recursePrince (drm, i, j, i - 1, j, visitedSquaresCopy)+1,minPathLength);
if (drm[0].length> j+1)//go up
if (isLegal (drm[i][j], drm[i][j+1]) && !(haveBeen (i, j+1, visitedSquaresCopy, 0)))
minPathLength = Math.min (recursePrince (drm, i, j, i, j+1, visitedSquaresCopy)+1,minPathLength);
if (j-1>-1)//go down
if (isLegal (drm[i][j], drm[i][j-1]) && !(haveBeen (i, j-1, visitedSquaresCopy, 0)))
minPathLength = Math.min (recursePrince (drm, i, j, i , j-1, visitedSquaresCopy)+1,minPathLength);
return Math.min(drm.length*2,minPathLength);// Larger than max possible path so will represent NO PATH FOUND.
private static boolean haveBeen(int k, int t,ArrayList <int[]> arr, int i){
if(!(i==arr.size ())) {
if (arr.get (i)[0] == k && arr.get (i)[1] == t)
return true;
return (haveBeen (k, t, arr, i + 1));
return false;
private static boolean isLegal(int currRoofVal,int adjcRoofVal){
return ((currRoofVal - adjcRoofVal<=2) && (currRoofVal-adjcRoofVal>=0)) || (adjcRoofVal-currRoofVal==1) || adjcRoofVal==-1;