
时间:2020-03-27 09:05:54

标签: excel vba


 Function ConvertTextToNumber(Worksheet As Worksheet)      
 If (Worksheet.Name = "TB") Or (Worksheet.Name = "JE") Then
        With Selection
            .NumberFormat = "General"
            .Value = .Value
        End With
    ElseIf Worksheet.Name = "GLACCOUNT1100" Then
        With Selection
            .NumberFormat = "General"
            .Value = .Value
        End With
    End If
End Function


Sub Select_Global_Account()
Dim length As Long, i As Long
Dim Start_range As Long, End_range As Long

' range input for the account number
Start_range = shStart.Range("P25").Value
End_range = shStart.Range("S25").Value

'================== converToNumber the acount column
Call helper.ConvertTextToNumber(shTB)

Call Iterate_In_Range(Start_range, End_range)
' JE report
Call JEReport.JEReport
' GL report
Call GL1100.AmountDate


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

请尝试使用此代码。请注意,Value = Value无法将字符串更改为数字。因此,下面的代码首先提取Value的数值,然后将该新值分配给单元格。

 Function ConvertTextToNumber(Ws As Worksheet)

    ' please don't use variable names that might
    ' confuse either you or Excel or both

    Dim Clm As Long
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim Cell As Range

    With Ws
        Select Case Ws.Name
            Case "TB", "JE"
                Clm = 1                         ' column A
            Case "GLACCOUNT1100"
                Clm = 4                         ' column D
            Case Else
                Exit Sub
        End Select

        ' convert cell from row 2 to the last used cell
        Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(2, Clm), .Cells(.Rows.Count, Clm).End(xlUp))
        For Each Cell In Rng
            .Value = Val(.Value)
            .NumberFormat = "General"
        Next Cell
    End With
End Function

