试图将项目移至打字稿,我在React-Native中使用Animated API遇到打字稿问题。
const [progress, setProgress] = React.useState(0)
const [offset] = React.useState(new RN.Animated.Value(0))
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: (target.current > activeIndex) ? ['0%', '-100%'] : ['-100%', '0%']
Typescript出现以下错误:Argument of type 'AnimatedInterpolation' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SetStateAction<string>'.
Type 'AnimatedInterpolation' is not assignable to type '(prevState: string) => string'.
Type 'AnimatedInterpolation' provides no match for the signature '(prevState: string): string'.ts(2345)
下面是该组件的完整代码,您可以从here:git clone git@github.com:Sharcoux/react-unavigation.git
import * as React from 'react'
import * as RN from 'react-native'
import styled from 'styled-components/native'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
const Slider = styled.View`
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
flex-direction: row;
type WrapProps = {
active: boolean;
activating: boolean;
deactivating: boolean;
const Wrap = styled.View<WrapProps>`
display: ${props => (props.active || props.activating) ? 'flex' : 'none'};
width: 100%;
color: red;
export type Props = {
active: string;
children: React.ReactElement[];
duration: number;
const Navigation = React.forwardRef<RN.View, Props>(({ active, children, duration = 500 }: Props, ref = { current: null }) => {
if (!children) return children
if (!Array.isArray(children)) return children
// We keep only the children of type ReactElement as other children will not be accessible anyway
const childrenArray = (children as React.ReactNodeArray).filter(child => child && (child as React.ReactElement).props) as Array<React.ReactElement>
const activeChildIndex = childrenArray.findIndex(child => child.props.name === active) || 0
const [activeIndex, setActive] = React.useState(activeChildIndex)
const [progress, setProgress] = React.useState(0)
const [offset] = React.useState(new RN.Animated.Value(0))
const target = React.useRef(activeChildIndex)
if (childrenArray.find(child => !child.props.name)) console.error('All children must have a name within the Navigation component')
if (!childrenArray.find(child => child.props.name === active)) console.error(`The Navigation component could not match any child with the name ${active}`)
/** Show a transition from the activeIndex to the active child. **/
function animateTo (index: number) {
if (progress || index === target.current) return // If an animation is already in progress, we wait until it is over
target.current = index // Register the target
// Decide to which direction interpolate to
inputRange: [0, 100],
outputRange: (target.current > activeIndex) ? ['0%', '-100%'] : ['-100%', '0%']
// Starts the animation
RN.Animated.timing(offset, { toValue: 100, duration }).start(() => {
setActive(index) // Once the animation is over, we mark the new active child
offset.setValue(0) // Reset the offset
// If another animation occured since the last call we execute the animation to the next child
if (activeChildIndex !== index) animateTo(activeChildIndex)
// Run the transition each time the active child changes
React.useEffect(() => animateTo(activeChildIndex), [active])
React.useEffect(() => () => offset.stopAnimation(), [])// Clean up
return (
<Slider ref={ref}>
<RN.Animated.View style={{
position: 'relative',
flexDirection: 'row',
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
width: '100%',
left: progress
{childrenArray.map((child, i) => (
active={activeIndex === i}
activating={target.current === i}
deactivating={activeIndex !== target.current}
Navigation.propTypes = {
active: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
children: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.element.isRequired).isRequired,
duration: PropTypes.number.isRequired
Navigation.displayName = 'Navigation'
export default Navigation