
时间:2020-03-24 21:40:33

标签: r json dataframe

我正在尝试将具有多个嵌套级别的JSON文件转换为R中的数据框。我已经查看了一些有关此问题的现有问题/答案(例如Convert JSON to R dataframeFlatten nested JSON to dataframe in RNested JSON to dataframe in R),但是因为这是我第一次处理JSON文件,所以我真的很努力。


    "Corpus": "ALM",
    "Tweets": [
            "tweet_id": "521033092132503552",
            "tweet_text": "no tweet text available",
            "date": "no date available",
            "annotations": [
                    "annotator": "annotator00",
                    "annotation": "care"
                    "annotator": "annotator01",
                    "annotation": "care,purity"
                    "annotator": "annotator02",
                    "annotation": "care,purity"
                    "annotator": "annotator03",
                    "annotation": "care"
            "tweet_id": "537681598989475841",
            "tweet_text": "Wholeheartedly support these protests & acts of civil disobedience & will join when I can! #Ferguson #AllLivesMatter",
            "date": "Wed Nov 26 18:57:37 +0000 2014",
            "annotations": [
                    "annotator": "annotator00",
                    "annotation": "subversion"
                    "annotator": "annotator01",
                    "annotation": "subversion"
                    "annotator": "annotator02",
                    "annotation": "loyalty"
                    "annotator": "annotator03",
                    "annotation": "loyalty,subversion"


list(tweet_id = "500745903054258177", tweet_text = "@MichaelSkolnik Thank you for joining the solidarity effort #DearMikesMom #AllLivesMatter", 
    date = "Sat Aug 16 20:48:21 +0000 2014", annotations = list(
        list(annotator = "annotator01", annotation = "loyalty"), 
        list(annotator = "annotator02", annotation = "loyalty"), 
        list(annotator = "annotator03", annotation = "loyalty"))), 
list(tweet_id = "621859689270120448", tweet_text = "no tweet text available", 
    date = "no date available", annotations = list(list(annotator = "annotator01", 
        annotation = "betrayal"), list(annotator = "annotator02", 
        annotation = "non-moral"), list(annotator = "annotator03", 
        annotation = "fairness"))), list(tweet_id = "551227029874438145", 


   corpus tweet_id               tweet_text              date    annotator           annotation  
1     ALM  5210...  no tweet text available  no date available          00                 care
2     ALM  5210...  no tweet text available  no date available          01         care, purity
3     ALM  5210...  no tweet text available  no date available          02         care, purity
4     ALM  5210...  no tweet text available  no date available          03                 care
5     ALM  5376...  Wholeheartedly suppo...  Wed Nov 26 18:...          00           subversion
6     ALM  5376...  Wholeheartedly suppo...  Wed Nov 26 18:...          01           subversion 
7     ALM  5376...  Wholeheartedly suppo...  Wed Nov 26 18:...          02              loyalty           
8     ALM  5376...  Wholeheartedly suppo...  Wed Nov 26 18:...          03  loyalty, subversion           



myData <- fromJSON(file = "my_json_file.json")
myData_flat <- as.data.frame(myData)


'data.frame':   1 obs. of  352130 variables:
 $ Corpus                              : Factor w/ 1 level "ALM": 1
 $ Tweets.tweet_id                     : Factor w/ 1 level "521033092132503552": 1
 $ Tweets.tweet_text                   : Factor w/ 1 level "no tweet text available": 1
 $ Tweets.date                         : Factor w/ 1 level "no date available": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator        : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator00": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation       : Factor w/ 1 level "care": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.1      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator01": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.1     : Factor w/ 1 level "care,purity": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.2      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator02": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.2     : Factor w/ 1 level "care,purity": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.3      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator03": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.3     : Factor w/ 1 level "care": 1
 $ Tweets.tweet_id.1                   : Factor w/ 1 level "537681598989475841": 1
 $ Tweets.tweet_text.1                 : Factor w/ 1 level "Wholeheartedly support these protests &amp; acts of civil disobedience &amp; will join when I can! #Ferguson #A"| __truncated__: 1
 $ Tweets.date.1                       : Factor w/ 1 level "Wed Nov 26 18:57:37 +0000 2014": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.4      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator00": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.4     : Factor w/ 1 level "subversion": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.5      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator01": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.5     : Factor w/ 1 level "subversion": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.6      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator02": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.6     : Factor w/ 1 level "loyalty": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotator.7      : Factor w/ 1 level "annotator03": 1
 $ Tweets.annotations.annotation.7     : Factor w/ 1 level "loyalty,subversion": 1

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

R中有多个软件包可以读取JSON数据并具有fromJSON()功能。 RJSONOIOjsonliterjson是我所知道的。似乎您在代码中使用了rjson::fromJSON()



您的myData list的结构如下:

  - $Corpus
  - $Tweets
      - $[[1]]
          - tweet data
      - $[[2]]
          - tweet data

为了提取所需的数据,您想循环浏览mydata[[1]]$tweets子列表的条目,将它们转换为data.frame,然后将所有这些{{1 }}到一个大data.frame。您可以使用data.frame循环或类似for的方法来做到这一点。我建议使用lapply(),因为它会自动将每个嵌套操作的结果绑定到一个purrr::map_dfr()中。

