main = do
args <- getArgs
[user, pass] <- if not (null args) then return args else do
user <- fetch "username"
pass <- fetch "password"
return [user, pass]
sup <- browse $ do
-- setOutHandler $ const $ return ()
(request (getRequest ("http://www.plurk.com/API/Users/login?"
++ "username=" ++ user
++ "&password=" ++ pass
++ "&api_key=FVXhr06sHbbp7Lv2rezPVw8rhpl7fNnX")))
let (_,a) = rspHeaders <$> sup
-- let (Right b) = parseJSON a
-- let (Just c) = findIn b ["fans_count"]
putStrLn $ hdrValue (a!!5)
fetch info = do
putStr $ "Enter your plurk " ++ info ++ ": "
hFlush stdout
return =<< getLine
GET /API/Users/login?username=saiko_chriskun&password=XXXXXXXXXX&api_key=FVXhr06sHbbp7Lv2rezPVw8rhpl7fNnX HTTP/1.1
Host: www.plurk.com
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: hs-HTTP-4000.0.9
Creating new connection to www.plurk.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.0
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 06:37:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: plurkcookiea="bYQstPmQg58L5hTs9nZ7fvIEzuc=?age=STIwCi4=&api_login=STAxCi4=&chkN=Uyc4YzU1ZWM3YTMzNzQxM2I2MDM2MmY1ZWZhODM5NzdhOScKcDEKLg==&gender=TDFMCi4=&user_id=TDgwNTc3NDlMCi4=&user_ip=Uyc3NS4zNi4yMTMuMjgnCnAxCi4="; Domain=.plurk.com; expires=Sat, 04-Jun-2011 06:37:41 GMT; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/
Expires: Sat, 21 May 2011 06:37:40 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 2648
Cookies received:
MkCookie {ckDomain = ".plurk.com", ckName = "plurkcookiea", ckValue = "bYQstPmQg58L5hTs9nZ7fvIEzuc=?age=STIwCi4=&api_login=STAxCi4=&chkN=Uyc4YzU1ZWM3YTMzNzQxM2I2MDM2MmY1ZWZhODM5NzdhOScKcDEKLg==&gender=TDFMCi4=&user_id=TDgwNTc3NDlMCi4=&user_ip=Uyc3NS4zNi4yMTMuMjgnCnAxCi4=", ckPath = Just "/", ckComment = Nothing, ckVersion = Nothing}
Accepting cookies with names: plurkcookiea
plurkcookiea="bYQstPmQg58L5hTs9nZ7fvIEzuc=?age=STIwCi4=&api_login=STAxCi4=&chkN=Uyc4YzU1ZWM3YTMzNzQxM2I2MDM2MmY1ZWZhODM5NzdhOScKcDEKLg==&gender=TDFMCi4=&user_id=TDgwNTc3NDlMCi4=&user_ip=Uyc3NS4zNi4yMTMuMjgnCnAxCi4="; Domain=.plurk.com; expires=Sat, 04-Jun-2011 06:37:41 GMT; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/
答案 0 :(得分:1)
monad中的 BrowserAction
import Network.HTTP
import Network.Browser
main = do
(rsp, cookies) <- browse $ do
rsp <- request $ getRequest "http://google.com/"
cookies <- getCookies
return (rsp, cookies)
print cookies