
时间:2020-03-18 05:20:28

标签: c++ tree binary-tree

例如,我有一个左子右兄弟树: enter image description here

例如,如果我要使E(包括其子节点E,K,L,P,Q)成为H节点的子节点。因此H将包含N,O,E(及其子元素) 我打算将子节点添加到父节点,然后删除旧节点,但是又有新的父子节点对。最简单的方法是什么?


using namespace std; 

struct Node 
    string data; 
    struct Node *next; 
    struct Node *child; 

// Creating new Node 
Node* newNode(string data) 
    Node *newNode = new Node; 
    newNode->next = newNode->child = NULL; 
    newNode->data = data; 
    return newNode; 

// Adds a sibling to a list with starting with n 
Node *addSibling(Node *n, string data) 
    if (n == NULL) 
        return NULL; 

    while (n->next) 
        n = n->next; 

    return (n->next = newNode(data)); 

// Add child Node to a Node 
Node *addChild(Node * n, string data) 
    if (n == NULL) 
        return NULL; 

    // Check if child list is not empty. 
    if (n->child) 
        return addSibling(n->child, data); 
        return (n->child = newNode(data)); 

// Traverses tree in level order 
void traverseTree(Node * root) 
    if (root == NULL) 

    while (root) 
        cout << " " << root->data; 
        if (root->child) 
        root = root->next; 

//Driver code 

int main() 

    Node *root = newNode("A"); 
    Node *nB  = addChild(root, "B"); 
    Node *nC  = addChild(root, "C"); 
    Node *nD  = addChild(root, "D"); 
    Node *nE  = addChild(root, "E"); 
    Node *nF  = addChild(root, "F"); 
    Node *nG  = addChild(root, "G"); 
    Node *nH  = addChild(nB, "H"); 
    Node *nI  = addChild(nB, "I"); 
    Node *nJ  = addChild(nB, "J"); 
    Node *nK  = addChild(nE, "K"); 
    Node *nL  = addChild(nE, "L");
    Node *nM  = addChild(nG, "M"); 
    Node *nN  = addChild(nH, "N"); 
    Node *nO  = addChild(nH, "O");
    Node *nP  = addChild(nK, "P"); 
    Node *nQ  = addChild(nL, "Q");
    return 0; 

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