
时间:2020-03-17 01:28:27

标签: ios swift combine



protocol SampleStream {
   /// An immutable interface. 
   var streamInfo: Observable<String?> { get} 

protocol MutableSampleStream: SampleStream {
   /// A mutable interface. 
   func updateStream( _ val: String?)

func SampleStreamImpl: MutableSampleStream {

   // Returns the immutable version of the stream.
   // If I pass down SampleStream as a dependency, then nothing else can write to this stream.
   // When they subscribe, they immediately get a value though since it's a behavior subject. 
   var streamInfo: Observable<String?> {
      return streamInfoSubject.asObservable()

   private var streamInfoSubject = BehaviorSubject<String?>(value: nil) 

   func updateStream { }

如何使用Combine做类似的事情? Combine的currentValueSubject似乎没有办法将其转换为非读写版本。还是我错过了什么?


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protocol SampleStream {
    var streamInfo: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> { get }

protocol MutableSampleStream: SampleStream {
    func updateStream(_ val: String?)

class MySampleStream: MutableSampleStream {
    var streamInfo: AnyPublisher<String?, Error> {
         return subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()

    func updateStream(_ val: String?) { subject.send(val) }

    private let subject = CurrentValueSubject<String?, Error>(nil)