<cffunction name="deleteEmptyFolder" access="public" output="true" returntype="boolean">
<cfargument name="path" required="true" type="string" />
<cfset var qList="">
<cfset var qDir = "">
<cfset var qFiles = "">
<cfset var isEmpty = 1>
<!--- List Directory --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#arguments.path#" recurse="no" name="qList">
<!--- get sub directory list --->
<cfquery name="qDir" dbtype="query">
select * from qList where type='Dir'
<!--- Call recursive function to check directory empty or not --->
<cfloop query="qDir">
<!--- If sub directory not empty mark current directory as not empty. --->
<cfif not deleteEmptyFolder(qDir.directory & "\" & qDir.name)>
<cfset isEmpty=0>
<!--- Check for file exists in current directory --->
<cfquery name="qFiles" dbtype="query">
select * from qList where type='File'
<!--- If file exists mark as not empty --->
<cfif qFiles.recordCount gt 0>
<cfset isEmpty = 0>
<!--- If current directory empty then delete it --->
<cfif isEmpty>
<cfdirectory action="delete" recurse="false" directory="#arguments.path#">
<!--- Return empty status for current directory --->
<cfreturn isEmpty>
答案 0 :(得分:2)
<cffunction name="deleteEmptyFolders" output="false">
<cfargument name="path" required="true" />
<cfset var subfolders = "" />
<cfdirectory name="subfolders" action="list" directory="#path#" type="dir" />
<cfloop query="subfolders">
<cfset deleteEmptyFolders("#path#/#subfolders.name#") />
<cfdirectory action="delete" directory="#path#" />
<cfdirectory name="files" action="list" directory="#path#" />
<cfif not files.recordcount>
<cfdirectory action="delete" directory="#path#" />
答案 1 :(得分:1)
<!---Deleting a directory
Check that the directory exists and that files are not in the directory to avoid getting ColdFusion error messages. --->
<cfset currentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath()) & "otherNewDir">
<!--- Check whether the directory exists. --->
<cfif DirectoryExists(currentDirectory)>
<!--- If yes, check whether there are files in the directory before deleting. --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#currentDirectory#"
<cfif myDirectory.recordcount gt 0>
<!--- If yes, delete the files from the directory. --->
<p>Files exist in this directory. Either delete the files or code
something to do so.</P>
<!--- Directory is empty - just delete the directory. --->
<cfdirectory action = "delete" directory = "#currentDirectory#">
<p>The directory existed and has been deleted.</P>
<!--- If no, post message or do some other function. --->
<cfoutput><p>The directory did NOT exist.</p></cfoutput>