import logging
import boto3
import pprint
import math
import os
import botocore
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def mainMenu():
print("1. Are you looking for a coach? Here is their contact data.")
print("2. Are you a beginner? Select 2 for your exersises.")
print("3. Are you some where in the middle of your journey? Select 3 for your exersises.")
print("4. Are you more Advanced? Select 4 for your exersises.")
print("5. Are you hardcore and love to workout? Select 5.")
print("6. Look at progress photos here!")
print("7. Quit")
selection=int(input("Lets lose weight together!!! Please Select a Number:"))
if selection==1:
elif selection==2:
elif selection==3:
elif selection==4:
elif selection==5:
elif selection==6:
elif selection==7:
print("Invalid choice. Enter 1-7")
while selection == 7:
selection=int(input("Lets lose weight together!!! Please Select a Number:"))
"""Selection number 1 Input user data into DynamoDB database """
def coach():
dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
table = dynamodb.Table('coachdata')
response = table.scan()
pprint.pprint(response, depth=3, compact = True)
"""Selection number 2 Calculate exersises for beginners """
def beginner():
poundsToLose = input("How many beginner pounds would you like to lose this month? ")
poundsToLose = int(poundsToLose)
pushupexersises = (poundsToLose * 2)
situpexersises = (poundsToLose * 10)
plankexersises = (poundsToLose * 5)
print ("To lose {} pound this month do {} pushups {} situps and {} planks every day.".format(poundsToLose,pushupexersises,situpexersises,plankexersises))
"""Selection number 3 Calculate exersises for intermediate users"""
def intermediate():
poundsToLose = input("How many intermediate pounds would you like to lose this month? ")
poundsToLose = int(poundsToLose)
pushupexersises = (poundsToLose * 5)
situpexersises = (poundsToLose * 15)
plankexersises = (poundsToLose * 10)
print ("To lose {} pound this month do {} pushups {} situps and {} planks every day.".format(poundsToLose,pushupexersises,situpexersises,plankexersises))
"""Selection number 4 Calculate exersises for advanced users"""
def advanced():
poundsToLose = input("How many advanced pounds would you like to lose this month? ")
poundsToLose = int(poundsToLose)
pushupexersises = (poundsToLose * 10)
situpexersises = (poundsToLose * 20)
plankexersises = (poundsToLose * 15)
print ("To lose {} pound this month do {} pushups {} situps and {} planks every day.".format(poundsToLose,pushupexersises,situpexersises,plankexersises))
"""Selection number 5 Calculate exersises for hardcore users"""
def hardcore():
poundsToLose = input("How many HARDCORE pounds would you like to lose this month? ")
poundsToLose = int(poundsToLose)
pushupexersises = (poundsToLose * 20)
situpexersises = (poundsToLose * 40)
plankexersises = (poundsToLose * 30)
print ("To lose {} pound this month do {} pushups {} situps and {} planks every day.".format(poundsToLose,pushupexersises,situpexersises,plankexersises))
"""Selection number upload progress photos to S3 """
def progress_Photos():
"""Retrieve an object from an Amazon S3 bucket
:param bucket_name: string
:param object_name: string
:return: botocore.response.StreamingBody object. If error, return None.
# Retrieve the object
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
response = s3.get_object(Bucket='edu.umuc.sdev400.rharner.letsworkout', Key='beforeandafter.PNG' )
except ClientError as e:
# AllAccessDisabled error == bucket or object not found
if __name__ == '__main__':