如何获取Azure SQL数据库用户统计信息?

时间:2020-03-03 13:08:01

标签: azure-sql-server

我想知道用户及其在我的Azure SQL数据库上的操作。有什么办法获取这些信息?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Azure SQL数据库支持查询所有用户及其用户名:


我们还可以获得所有查询文本历史记录562020 (to PORT) 542029 and attachments to Follow 472306 XXX-YYY-000053379 (to PORT) 578748 and attachments to Follow 480054 498837 (to PORT) & 1639864 to Follow 463507 XXX-YYY-000053461 (to PORT) XXX-YYY-000053452 and attachments to Follow 436768 XXX-YYY-000053470 (to PORT) 210763 and attachments to Follow 96259 XXX-YYY-000053489 (to PORT) XXX-YYY-000053478 and attachment to Follow99452 XXX-YYY-000005443 (to PORT) XXX-YYY-000005433 and attachments to Follow XXX-YYY-000053605 (to PORT) XXX-YYY-000053590 and attachments to Follow 102742 1094839 (Management Discretionary Approval) XXX-YYY-000006172 (to PORT)

select name as username,
       type_desc as type,
       authentication_type_desc as authentication_type
from sys.database_principals
where type not in ('A', 'G', 'R', 'X')
      and sid is not null
      and name != 'guest'
order by username;

但是我们暂时无法在Azure SQL数据库中获取用户及其操作(查询历史记录)。没有文档和API支持。
