
时间:2020-02-14 16:10:57

标签: perl

我是perl的新手,我在下面的代码段中编写了从数据中获取JSON对象的代码。但是输入数据既具有散列又具有数组,那么我如何获得作为数组的“ id”的那些值?

  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use Data::Dumper;
  use JSON

 my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737,1253,1459,1733,2166,2653,2855,3133,3414,3538,3729,3905,3991,4110,4160,4536,4692,4701]}';

 print Dumper($data);
 my @hash_ref = from_json($data);

 foreach my $hash_scalar (@hash_ref) {

    foreach (keys %{$hash_scalar}) {
        print "$_ => ${$hash_scalar}{$_}\n";


$VAR1 = '{"total":325,"id": 
id => ARRAY(0x2afee4c)
total => 325

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


use v5.24;
use JSON qw(from_json);

my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737]}';

my $json = from_json($data);

# get the hash key to get the hash value, which is an array reference
my $ids_array_ref = $json->{id};

# OR, use the postfix dereference to get the ids as a normal list
my @ids_array = $json->{id}->@*;

# OR, use the older circumfix notation (before Perl v5.24). These are all
# the same:
my @ids_array = @{ $json->{id} };
my @ids_array = @{ $ids_array_ref };
my @ids_array = @$ids_array_ref;


use v5.24;
use JSON qw(from_json);

my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737]}';

my $json = from_json($data);

foreach my $id ( $json->{id}->@* ) {
    say "Got id $id";


Got id 78
Got id 234
Got id 737


use v5.24;
use JSON qw(from_json);

my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737]}';

my $json = from_json($data);

foreach my $key ( keys $json->%* ) {
    print "$key: ";
    if( ref $json->{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        say join ' ', $json->{$key}->@*;
    elsif( ref $json->{$key} ) { # all other reference types
        warn "I don't handle this yet"
    else {
        say $json->{$key};


use v5.24;
use JSON qw(from_json);

my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737]}';

my $json = from_json($data);

say "id: ", join ' ', $json->{id}->@*;
say "total: ", $json->{total};

您的原始代码非常复杂。 from_json的结果是表示JSON数据结构的引用。这是一个JSON对象,Perl称之为哈希,因此您可以得到哈希引用。

my $hash_ref = from_json( $data );


我们介绍了Intermediate Perl中的引用和数据结构,尽管perldsc也很好。我们有一个很深的例子,介绍了深度嵌套和递归的数据结构。

如果您是新手,则可能要从Learning Perl开始。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON

my $data = '{"total":325,"id": [78,234,737,1253,1459,1733,2166,2653,2855,3133,3414,3538,3729,3905,3991,4110,4160,4536,4692,4701]}';

print Dumper($data);
my @hash_ref = from_json($data);

for my $hash_scalar (@hash_ref) {
    for my $key (keys(%{$hash_scalar})) {
        print("$key => @{${$hash_scalar}{$_}}\n");

答案 2 :(得分:-1)



use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;

my $debug = 0;

my $data = '{ "total":325,
              "id": [78,234,737,1253,1459,1733,2166,2653,2855,3133,3414,3538,3729,3905,3991,4110,4160,4536,4692,4701],
              "person": {
                "first": "John",
                "last": "Smith", 
                "age": 27, 
                "occupation": "accountant",
                "wife": "Maria Smith",
                "son": "Alex Smith",
                "daughter": "Samantha Smith",
                "dog": "Sparky",
                "hobby": "photography"

say Dumper($data) if $debug;

my $json = from_json($data);

say Dumper($json) if $debug;

while( my($k,$v) = each %{$json} ) {
    say "Key: $k";
    if( ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        say "\tValue is ARRAY";
        for ( @{$v} ) { say "\t\t[$_]" }
    } elsif( ref $v eq 'HASH' ) {
        say "\tValue is HASH";
        while( my($hk,$hv) = each %{$v} ) {
            say "\t\t$hk => $hv";
    } else {
        say "\tValue: $v";

say '-' x 40;
say 'Element with index 5 is ' . $json->{id}[5];
say 'Name of the son      is ' . $json->{person}{son};
say 'Name of the daughter is ' . $json->{person}{daughter};


Key: person
        Value is HASH
                son => Alex Smith
                occupation => accountant
                daughter => Samantha Smith
                age => 27
                wife => Maria Smith
                dog => Sparky
                last => Smith
                first => John
                hobby => photography
Key: id
        Value is ARRAY
Key: total
        Value: 325
Element with index 5 is 1733
Name of the son      is Alex Smith
Name of the daughter is Samantha Smith